
It's recommended to run all modkit commands with the --log-filepath <path-to-file> option set. When unexpected outputs are produced inspecting this file will often indicate the reason.

Missing secondary and supplementary alignments in output

As of v0.2.4 secondary and supplementary alignments are supported in adjust-mods, update-tags, call-mods, and (optionally) in extract. However, in order to use these alignment records correctly, the MN tag must be present and correct in the record. The MN tag indicates the length of the sequence corresponding to the MM and ML tags. As of dorado v0.5.0 the MN tag is output when modified base calls are produced. If the aligner has hard-clipped the sequence, this number will not match the sequence length and the record cannot be used. Similarly, if the SEQ field is empty (sequence length zero), the record cannot be used. One way to use supplementary alignments is to specify the -Y flag when using dorado or minimap2. For these programs, when -Y is specified, the sequence will not be hardclipped in supplementary alignments and will be present in secondary alignments. Other mapping algorithms that are "MM tag-aware" may allow hard-clipping and update the MM and ML tags, modkit will accept these records as long as the MN tag indicates the correct sequence length.

No rows in modkit pileup output.

First, check the logfile, there may be many lines with a variant of

record 905b4cb4-15e2-4060-9c98-866d0aff78bb has un-allowed mode
(ImplicitProbModified), use '--force-allow-implicit' or 'modkit update-tags --mode

As suggested, using update or setting the --force-allow-implicit flag should produce output from these records.

If the MM tag contains an un-supported mod-code (a limitation that will be removed in a future release), these errors will be logged. To process the modBAM, first convert the tags.

In general, if there are MM/ML tags in the modBAM and the bedMethyl is still empty the log file will contain a line explaining why each record is being skipped.

Not sampling enough reads to estimate threshold.

If you have previously downsampled the modBAM to a specific region, for example with a command like

samtools view -bh input.sorted.bam chr1

modkit will still try and sample reads evenly across the entire genome but fail to find any aligned to other contigs. To remedy this, either pass the same --region chr1 option or set the --sampling-frac 1.0. The former will set modkit to only use the region present in the BAM. For example,

modkit pileup input.bam output.bed --region chr1
# or
modkit pileup input.bam output.bed --sample-region chr1

The latter will sample all of the reads in the BAM, which may slow down the process, so in general the best advice is to either use the same --region <contig> when using modkit or don't downsample the BAM ahead of time (and use --region <contig> in order to get the desired bedMethyl).

The summary, sample-probs, and pileup subcommands all use the same --region option.

CG positions are missing from output bedMethyl.

When running with --preset traditional or --cpg the resultant bedMethyl file will only contains CG positions. However, it will not include positions for which the pass coverage is zero (see the column descriptions). This is to be expected.