Calculating methylation entropy

The modkit entropy command will calculate the methylation entropy in genomic windows of defined length across the genome, optionally summarizing these calculations for regions. Methylation entropy (ME) is a measure of the "information content" in the patterns of methylation reported by the sequencing reads, it could also be thought of as a measure of the randomness in the epialleles (an "epiallele" is the DNA modification at a given position). This metric was originally proposed by Xie et al. and has been shown to correlation with regulation, aging, and cancer. Unlike the pileup method in modkit which aggregates the modification calls per genomic position, modkit entropy looks at the co-occurrence of methylation status on individual reads and so the input is a modBAM not a pileup. To quote Lee et al., "This information is important because such ‘phased’ methylation states can inform us about the epigenetic diversity of cell populations as well as the local regulation states of the epigenome". Probably the simplest visual description of methylation entropy is the following, a version of which appears in many of the methods papers:


Citation: Lee et al.

Calculate entropy in windows across the genome

modkit entropy --in-bam ${mod_bam} \
 -o ${output_entropy_bedgraph} \
 --ref ${ref} \
 --threads 32 \
 --log-filepath modkit_entropy.log

When the output file, -o, is omitted the output will be to stdout.

Output schema

1chromcontig namestring
2startstart of intervalint
3endend of intervalint
4entropymethylation entropyfloat
5num_readsnumber of reads usedint

Calculating entropy in BED-specified regions

The command can also summarize the methylation entropy in regions by using the --regions option, for example:

modkit entropy \
 --in-bam ${mod_bam} \
 -o ${output_directory} \
 --regions ${regions_bed_file} \  # BED3 or BED4 file of regions
 --cpg \  # specify CpG dinucleotides and combine strands
 --ref ${ref} \
 --threads 32 \
 --log-filepath modkit_entropy.log

The output must now be a directory (specified with -o), a bedGraph with the entropy over the windows with the regions as well as a summary of the methylation entropy in the regions will be output. By default these files will be regions.bed and windows.bedgraph.

The schema for the regions.bed file is below:

1chromchromosome of the regionstr
2start0-based start position of the regionint
3end0-based end position of the regionint
4region_namename of the region from the input BED filestr
5mean_entropyaverage entropy of the passing windows included in the regionfloat
6strandstrand of the region {+, -, . }str
7median_entropymedian entropy of the passing windows included in the regionfloat
8min_entropyminimum passing window entropyfloat
9max_entropymaximum passing window entropyfloat
10mean_num_readsaverage number of reads used in the passing windows' entropy calculationfloat
11min_num_readsminimum number of reads used in the passing windows' entropy calculationint
12max_num_readsminimum number of reads used in the passing windows' entropy calculationint
13successful_window_countnumber of passing windows in the regionint
14failed_window_countnumber of failed windows in the regionint

Specifying motifs or primary sequence bases

Similar to pileup you can specify a motif on the command line with --motif and optionally combine the counts across the positive and negative strands with --combine-strands. If you specify a primary sequence base (with --base) or a motif (with --motif) that is not reverse-complement palindromic modkit will output methylation entropy per-strand. This option can be passed multiple times to use multiple motifs. When motifs specify different primary sequence bases, for example --motif GATC 1 and --motif CCGG 0, all of the base modification statuses will be used in calculating the entropy values.

For example if you want to calculate m6A entropy in DRACH motifs:

${modkit} entropy ${bam} \
  -o ${output} \
  --regions ${regions} \
  --ref ${ref} \
  --motif DRACH 2 \
  --threads 32 \
  --log-filepath modkit_entropy.log \

When performing transcriptome analysis, it's recommended to make a regions BED file of all of the transcripts so that you can rank which transcripts have highest entropy.

Calculation of methylation entropy

The calculation of methylation entropy has been described in the papers linked above. Formally, methylation entropy in modkit is calculated as:

\[ \text{ME} = \frac{-1}{N} \sum_{\textbf{N}} Pr(n_i) * \text{log}_{2}Pr(n_i) \]

Where \( \textbf{N} \) is the set of all methylation patterns and \( Pr(n_i) \) is the empirical probability of that pattern. To account for the fact that modkit filters base modification calls when they are below a certain confidence level, filtered positions are given a "wildcard" assignment and can match any epiallele at that position. The entropy calculation implementation in modkit will assign a fractional count to each pattern that the read matches. For example, suppose a read with epiallele m*mm meaning there are 4 positions in the window (5mC) and this read reports 5mC, followed by a filtered call, and 2 more 5mC calls. This read will match to patterns [mhmm mmmm mCmm] (m = 5mC, h = 5hmC, and C is canonical cytosine). When the --num-positions parameter gets large the number of potential patterns becomes large. Most patterns will probably not have any reads matching to them, so instead of enumerating all possible patterns modkit uses a prefix trie to find all patterns represented in the reads while accounting for filtered positions.