Evaluate a table of known motifs

The modkit search command has an option to provide any number of known motifs with --know-motif. However, if you already have a list of candidate motifs (e.g. from a previous run of modkit motif search) you can check these motifs quickly against a bedMethyl table with modkit motif evaluate.

modkit motif evaluate -i ${bedmethyl} --known-motifs-table motifs.tsv -r ${ref}

Similarly, the search algorithm can be run using known motifs as seeds:

modkit motif refine -i ${bedmethyl} --known-motifs-table motifs.tsv -r ${ref}

The output tables to both of these commands have the same schema:

1mod_codecode specifying the modification found in the motifstr
2motifsequence of identified motif using IUPAC codesstr
3offset0-based offset into the motif sequence of the modified baseint
4frac_modfraction of time this sequence is found in the high modified set col-5 / (col-5 + col-6)float
5high_countnumber of occurances of this sequence in the high-modified setint
6low_countnumber of occurances of this sequence in the low-modified setint
7mid_countnumber of occurances of this sequence in the mid-modified setint
8log_oddslog2 odds of the motif being in the high-modified setint

In the human-readable table columns (1) and (2) are merged to show the modification code in the motif sequence context, the rest of the columns are the same as the machine-readable table.