Make hemi-methylation bedMethyl tables with pileup-hemi

Base modifications in DNA are inherently single-stranded, they (usually [^1]) don't change the base pairing of the modified base. However, it may be of interest to know the correspondence between the methylation state of a single base and another nearby base on the opposite strand - on the same molecule. In CpG dinucleotides, this is called "hemi-methylation", when one cytosine is methylated and the neighbor on the opposite strand is not:


In the above diagram, the cytosine in the fourth position on the positive strand is methylated (5mC) and the cytosine in the fifth position is canonical (-), indicating a "hemi-methylation".

In the case of 5mC and canonical, there are 4 "patterns" of methylation:

m,m (5mC, 5mC)
-,m (canonical, 5mC)
m,- (5mC, canonical)
-,- (canonical, canonical)

These are all measured at the single molecule level, meaning each molecule must report on both strands (as is the case with duplex reads). For CpGs in the example above the MM tags would be C+m? and G-m? for the top-strand and bottom-strand cytosines, respectively.

The modkit pileup-hemi command will perform an aggregation of the methylation "patterns" at genomic positions. An example command to perform hemi-methylation analysis at CpGs would be

modkit pileup-hemi \
  /path/to/duplex_reads.bam \
  --cpg \
  -r /path/to/reference.fasta \
  -o hemi_pileup.bed \
  --log modkit.log

Many of the pileup options are available in pileup-hemi with a couple differences: :

  1. A motif must be provided. The --cpg flag is a preset to aggregate CpG hemi-methylation patterns as shown above. If a motif is provided (as an argument to --motif) it must be reverse-complement palindromic.
  2. A reference must be provided.
  3. Both the positive strand base modification probability and the negative strand base modification probability must be above the pass threshold.

See Advanced Usage for details on all the options.

Description of hemi-methylation patterns

The modkit pileup-hemi command aggregates a pair of base modification calls at each reference motif position for each double-stranded DNA molecule. The base modification "pattern" indicates the methylation state on each base in 5-prime to 3-prime order, using the base modification code to indicate the identity of the base modification and - to indicate canonical (unmodified). For example m,-,C would mean the first base (from the reference 5' direction) is 5mC and the second base is unmodified and the primary base is cytosone. Similarly, h,m,C indicates the first base is 5hmC and the second base is 5mC. The primary base called by the read is included to help disambiguate the unmodified patterns (-,-). All patterns recognized at a location will be reported in the bedMethyl output.


  • Npattern - Number of call-pairs passing filters that had the pattern and primary base in column 4. E.g. m,-,C indicates the first base in the 5' to 3' direction is 5mC, the second base is unmodified and the primary base in the reads was C.
  • Ncanonical - Number of call-pairs passing filters that were classified as unmodified (i.e. the pattern is -,-).
  • Nother_pattern - Number of call-pairs passing filters where the pattern is different from the pattern in column 4, but where the primary read base is the same. This count includes the unmodified pattern (-,-). Note this differs from pileup where Nother does not contain the canonical counts.
  • Nvalid_cov - the valid coverage, total number of valid call-pairs.
  • Ndiff - Number of reads with a primary base other than the primary base in column 4.
  • Ndelete - Number of reads with a deletion at this reference position.
  • Nfail - Number of call-pairs where the probability of the at least one of the calls in the pair was below the pass threshold. The threshold can be set on the command line or computed from the data (usually failing the lowest 10th percentile of calls).
  • Nnocall - Number of reads where either one or both of the base modification calls was not present in the read.

bedMethyl column descriptions.

1chromname of reference sequence from BAM headerstr
2start position0-based start positionint
3end position0-based exclusive end positionint
4methylation patterncomma-separated pair of modification codes - means canonical, followed by the primary read basestr
5scoreequal to Nvalid_covint
6strandalways '.' because strand information is combinedstr
7start positionincluded for compatibilityint
8end positionincluded for compatibilityint
9colorincluded for compatibility, always 255,0,0str
10Nvalid_covsee definitions aboveint
11fraction modifiedNpattern / Nvalid_covfloat
12Npatternsee definitions aboveint
13Ncanonicalsee definitions aboveint
14Nother_patternsee definitions aboveint
15Ndeletesee definitions aboveint
16Nfailsee definitions aboveint
17Ndiffsee definitions aboveint
18Nnocallsee definitions aboveint


  1. Only one motif can be used at a time, this limitation may be removed in a later version.
  2. Partitioning on tag key:value pairs is not currently supported.

[^1] In biology, there are almost always exceptions to every rule!