Basic Usage

modkit is a bioinformatics tool for working with modified bases from Oxford Nanopore.



Pre-compiled binaries are provided for Linux from the release page. We recommend the use of these in most circumstances. As a rust-based project, modkit can also be installed with cargo.

git clone
cd modkit
cargo install --path .
# or
cargo install --git

Common Use Cases

  1. Creating a bedMethyl table with pileup
  2. Updating and Adjusting MM tags with adjust-mods and update-tags
  3. Summarizing a modBAM with summary
  4. Making a motif BED file with motif-bed
  5. Extracting per-read base modification data into a table
  6. Convert modification probabilities into hard calls
  7. Removing base modification calls at the ends of reads
  8. Narrow analysis to only specific positions with a BED file
  9. Repairing/adding MM/ML tags to reads with clipped sequences
  10. Creating hemi-methylation pattern bedMethyl tables with pileup-hemi
  11. Performing differential methylation scoring with dmr

Notes and troubleshooting

  1. General troubleshooting
  2. Threshold evaluation examples (for advanced users)

Constructing bedMethyl tables.

A primary use of modkit is to create summary counts of modified and unmodified bases in an extended bedMethyl format. bedMethyl files tabulate the counts of base modifications from every sequencing read over each aligned reference genomic position. In order to create a bedMethyl table, your modBAM must be aligned to a reference genome. The genome sequence is only required if you are using the --cpg flag or traditional preset. Only primary alignments are used in generating the table, it is recommended to mark duplicate alignments before running as multiple primary alignments can be double counted (but the behavior is logged). See limitations for details.

Basic usage

In its simplest form modkit creates a bedMethyl file using the following:

modkit pileup path/to/reads.bam output/path/pileup.bed --log-filepath pileup.log

No reference sequence is required. A single file (described below) with base count summaries will be created. The final argument here specifies an optional log file output.

The program performs best-practices filtering and manipulation of the raw data stored in the input file. For further details see filtering modified-base calls.

Narrowing output to CpG dinucleotides

For user convenience, the counting process can be modulated using several additional transforms and filters. The most basic of these is to report only counts from reference CpG dinucleotides. This option requires a reference sequence in order to locate the CpGs in the reference:

modkit pileup path/to/reads.bam output/path/pileup.bed --cpg --ref path/to/reference.fasta

To restrict output to only certain CpGs, pass the --include-bed option with the CpGs to be used, see this page for more details.

modkit pileup path/to/reads.bam output/path/pileup.bed \
  --cpg \
  --ref path/to/reference.fasta \
  --include-bed path/to/my_cpgs.bed

The program also contains preset which combine several options for ease of use. The traditional preset,

modkit pileup path/to/reads.bam output/path/pileup.bed \
  --ref path/to/reference.fasta \
  --preset traditional

performs three transforms:

  • restricts output to locations where there is a CG dinucleotide in the reference,
  • reports only a C and 5mC counts, using procedures to take into account counts of other forms of cytosine modification (notably 5hmC), and
  • aggregates data across strands. The strand field of the output will be marked as '.' indicating that the strand information has been lost.

Using this option is equivalent to running with the options:

modkit pileup path/to/reads.bam output/path/pileup.bed --cpg --ref <reference.fasta> --ignore h --combine-strands

Narrowing output to specific motifs

By default, modkit will output a BED row for all genomic positions where there is at least one base modification in the input modBAM. We define a motif as a short DNA sequence potentially containing degenerate codes. To ease downstream analysis, the --motif <Motif> <offset, 0-based> option can be used to pre-filter and annotate the bedMethyl rows. The --cpg flag is a alias for --motif CG 0 where the sequence motif is CG and the offset is 0, meaning pileup base modification counts for the first C in the motif on the top strand the second C (complement to G) on the bottom strand. Another example may be --motif GATC 1, signaling to pileup counts for the A in the second position on the top strand and the A in the third position on the bottom strand.

When multiple motifs are specified the name column (column 4), will indicate which motif the counts are tabulated for. For example, if --motif CGCG 2 --motif CG 0 are passed you may see lines such as:

oligo_741_adapters  39 40 m,CG,0   4	-	39	40	255,0,0	4 100.00 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
oligo_741_adapters  39 40 m,CGCG,2 4	-	39	40	255,0,0	4 100.00 4 0 0 0 0 0 0

The --combine-strands flag can be combined with --motif however all motifs must be reverse-complement palindromic (CG is a palindrome but CHH is not).

Partitioning reads based on SAM tag values

If have a modBAM with reads from different conditions are other SAM tag annotations (for example RG or HP) you can pass the --partition-tag option and modkit will output a separate bedMethyl with counts for only the reads with that tag value. For example, if you have haplotype-annotated reads with the HP tag, you could use a command like the following:

modkit pileup path/to/reads.bam output/directory/ --cpg --ref <reference.fasta> --partition-tag HP --prefix haplotyped

The output will be multiple files in placed in output/directory/haplotyped_<1|2|etc>.bed, multiple --partition-tag options can be passed and the output files will correspond to the observed combinations of tags found in the modBAM. For example if --partition-tag RG and --partition-tag HP are passed:

  # ... etc

Note that only tag values that can be easily turned into strings will be considered valid (e.g. numbers, characters, strings, etc.), array values will not be used, and will result in missing being used. Reads missing all of the SAM tags will be put in ungrouped.bed.

For more information on the individual options see the Advanced Usage help document.

Description of bedMethyl output.

Below is a description of the bedMethyl columns generated by modkit pileup. A brief description of the bedMethyl specification can be found on Encode.


  • Nmod - Number of calls passing filters that were classified as a residue with a specified base modification.
  • Ncanonical - Number of calls passing filters were classified as the canonical base rather than modified. The exact base must be inferred by the modification code. For example, if the modification code is m (5mC) then the canonical base is cytosine. If the modification code is a, the canonical base is adenine.
  • Nother mod - Number of calls passing filters that were classified as modified, but where the modification is different from the listed base (and the corresponding canonical base is equal). For example, for a given cytosine there may be 3 reads with h calls, 1 with a canonical call, and 2 with m calls. In the bedMethyl row for h Nother_mod would be 2. In the m row Nother_mod would be 3.
  • Nvalid_cov - the valid coverage. Nvalid_cov = Nmod + Nother_mod + Ncanonical, also used as the score in the bedMethyl
  • Ndiff - Number of reads with a base other than the canonical base for this modification. For example, in a row for h the canonical base is cytosine, if there are 2 reads with C->A substitutions, Ndiff will be 2.
  • Ndelete - Number of reads with a deletion at this reference position
  • Nfail - Number of calls where the probability of the call was below the threshold. The threshold can be set on the command line or computed from the data (usually failing the lowest 10th percentile of calls).
  • Nnocall - Number of reads aligned to this reference position, with the correct canonical base, but without a base modification call. This can happen, for example, if the model requires a CpG dinucleotide and the read has a CG->CH substitution such that no modification call was produced by the basecaller.

bedMethyl column descriptions.

1chromname of reference sequence from BAM headerstr
2start position0-based start positionint
3end position0-based exclusive end positionint
4modified base code and motifsingle letter code for modified base and motif when more than one motif is usedstr
5scoreEqual to
6strand'+' for positive strand '-' for negative strand, '.' when strands are combinedstr
7start positionincluded for compatibilityint
8end positionincluded for compatibilityint
9colorincluded for compatibility, always 255,0,0str
10Nvalid_covSee definitions
11fraction modifiedNmod / Nvalid_covfloat
12NmodSee definitions
13NcanonicalSee definitions
14Nother_modSee definitions
15NdeleteSee definitions
16NfailSee definitions
17NdiffSee definitions
18NnocallSee definitions

Performance considerations

The --interval-size, --threads, --chunk-size, and --max-depth parameters can be used to tweak the parallelism and memory consumption of modkit pileup. The defaults should be suitable for most use cases, for more details see the advanced usage and performance considerations sections.

Updating and Adjusting MM tags.

The adjust-mods subcommand can be used to manipulate MM (and corresponding ML) tags in a modBam. In general, these simple commands are run prior to pileup, visualization, or other analysis. For adjust-mods and update-tags, if a correct MN tag is found, secondary and supplementary alignments will be output. See troubleshooting for details.

Ignoring a modification class.

To remove a base modification class from a modBAM and produce a new modBAM, use the --ignore option for adjust-mods.

modkit adjust-mods input.bam output.adjust.bam --ignore <mod_code_to_ignore>

For example the command below will remove 5hmC calls, leaving just 5mC calls.

modkit adjust-mods input.bam output.adjust.bam --ignore h

For technical details on the transformation see Removing modification calls from BAMs.

Combining base modification probabilities.

Combining base modification probabilities may be desirable for downstream analysis or visualization. Unlike --ignore which removes the probability of a class, --convert will sum the probability of one class with another if the second class already exists. For example, the command below will convert probabilities associated with h probability into m probability. If m already exists, the probabilities will be summed. As described in changing the modification code, if the second base modification code doesn't exist, the probabilities are left unchanged.

modkit adjust-mods input.bam output.convert.bam --convert h m

Updating the flag (? and .).

The specification (Section 1.7) allows for omission of the MM flag, however this may not be the intent of missing base modification probabilities for some models. The command below will add or change the ? flag to a modBAM.

modkit adjust-mods input.bam output.bam --mode ambiguous

Another option is to set the flag to ., the "implicitly canonical" mode:

modkit adjust-mods input.bam output.bam --mode implicit

Changing the base modification code.

Some functions in modkit or other tools may require the mod-codes in the MM tag be in the specification.

For example, the following command will change C+Z, tags to C+m, tags.

modkit adjust-mods input.bam output.bam --convert Z m

Summarizing a modBAM.

The modkit summary sub-command is intended for collecting read-level statistics on either a sample of reads, a region, or an entire modBam.

Summarize the base modification calls in a modBAM.

modkit summary input.bam 

will output a table similar to this

> parsing region chr20  # only present if --region option is provided
> sampling 10042 reads from BAM # modulated with --num-reads
> calculating threshold at 10% percentile # modulated with --filter-percentile
> calculated thresholds: C: 0.7167969 # calculated per-canonical base, on the fly
# bases             C
# total_reads_used  9989
# count_reads_C     9989
# pass_threshold_C  0.7167969
# region            chr20:0-64444167
 base  code  pass_count  pass_frac   all_count  all_frac
 C     m     1192533     0.58716166  1305956    0.5790408
 C     h     119937      0.0590528   195335     0.086608544
 C     -     718543      0.3537855   754087     0.33435062

Description of columns in modkit summary:

Totals table

The lines of the totals table are prefixed with a # character.

1basescomma-separated list of canonical bases with modification calls.str
2total_reads_usedtotal number of reads from which base modification calls were extractedint
3+count_reads_{base}total number of reads that contained base modifications for {base}int
4+filter_threshold_{base}filter threshold used for {base}float

Modification calls table

The modification calls table follows immediately after the totals table.

1basecanonical base with modification callchar
2codebase modification code, or - for canonicalchar
3pass_counttotal number of passing (confidence >= threshold) calls for the modification in column 2int
4pass_fracfraction of passing (>= threshold) calls for the modification in column 2float
5all_counttotal number of calls for the modification code in column 2int
6all_fracfraction of all calls for the modification in column 2float

For more details on thresholds see filtering base modification calls.

By default modkit summary will only use ten thousand reads when generating the summary (or fewer if the modBAM has fewer than that). To use all of the reads in the modBAM set the --no-sampling flag.

modkit summary input.bam --no-sampling

There are --no-filtering, --filter-percentile, and --filter-threshold options that can be used with or without sampling.

Passing a threshold directly.

To estimate the pass thresholds on a subset of reads, but then summarize all of the reads, there is a two-step process. First, determine the thresholds with modkit sample-probs (see usage for more details). Then run modkit summary with the threshold value specified.

modkit sample-probs input.bam [--sampling-frac <frac> | --num-reads <num>]

This command will output a table like this:

> sampling 10042 reads from BAM
 base  percentile  threshold
 C     10          0.6972656
 C     50          0.96484375
 C     90          0.9941406

You can then use pass this threshold directly to modkit summary:

modkit summary input.bam \
    --filter-threshold 0.6972656 \ # filter 10% lowest confidence calls

Making a motif BED file.

Downstream analysis may require a BED file to select motifs of interest. For example, selecting GATC motifs in E. coli. This command requires a reference sequence in FASTA a motif to find, which can include IUPAC ambiguous bases and a position within the motif.

The following command would make a BED file for CG motifs.

modkit motif-bed reference.fasta CG 0 1> cg_modifs.bed

The output is directed to standard out.

Extracting base modification information

The modkit extract sub-command will produce a table containing the base modification probabilities, the read sequence context, and optionally aligned reference information. For extract, if a correct MN tag is found, secondary and supplementary alignments may be output with the --allow-non-primary flag. See troubleshooting for details.

The table will by default contain unmapped sections of the read (soft-clipped sections, for example). To only include mapped bases use the --mapped flag. To only include sites of interest, pass a BED-formatted file to the --include-bed option. Similarly, to exclude sites, pass a BED-formatted file to the --exclude option. One caution, the files generated by modkit extract can be large (2-2.5x the size of the BAM). You may want to either use the --num-reads option, the --region option, or pre-filter the modBAM ahead of time. You can also stream the output to stdout by setting the output to - or stdout and filter the columns before writing to disk.

Description of output table

1read_idname of the readstr
2forward_read_position0-based position on the forward-oriented read sequenceint
3ref_positionaligned 0-based reference sequence position, -1 means unmappedint
4chromname of aligned contig, or '.' if the read is Gunmappedstr
5mod_strandstrand of the molecule the base modification is onstr
6ref_strandstrand of the reference the read is aligned to, or '.' if unmappedstr
7ref_mod_strandstrand of the reference with the base modification, or '.' if unmappedstr
8fw_soft_clipped_startnumber of bases soft clipped from the start of the forward-oriented readint
9fw_soft_clipped_endnumber of bases soft clipped from the end of the forward-oriented readint
10read_lengthtotal length of the readint
11mod_qualprobability of the base modification in the next columnint
12mod_codebase modification code from the MM tagstr
13base_qualbasecall quality score (phred)int
14ref_kmerreference 5-mer sequence context (center base is aligned base), '.' if unmappedstr
15query_kmerread 5-mer sequence context (center base is aligned base)str
16canonical_basecanonical base from the query sequence, from the MM tagstr
17modified_primary_baseprimary sequence base with the modificationstr
18inferredwhether the base modification call is implicit canonicalstr
19flagFLAG from alignment recordstr

Tabulating base modification calls for each read position

Passing --read-calls <file-path> option will generate a table of read-level base modification calls using the same thresholding algorithm employed by modkit pileup. The resultant table has, for each read, one row for each base modification call in that read. If a base is called as modified then call_code will be the code in the MM tag. If the base is called as canonical the call_code will be - (A, C, G, and T are reserved for "any modification"). The full schema of the table is below:

1read_idname of the readstr
2forward_read_position0-based position on the forward-oriented read sequenceint
3ref_positionaligned 0-based reference sequence position, -1 means unmappedint
4chromname of aligned contig, or '.' if unmappedstr
5mod_strandstrand of the molecule the base modification is onstr
6ref_strandstrand of the reference the read is aligned to, or '.' if unmappedstr
7ref_mod_strandstrand of the reference with the base modification, or '.' if unmappedstr
8fw_soft_clipped_startnumber of bases soft clipped from the start of the forward-oriented readint
9fw_soft_clipped_endnumber of bases soft clipped from the end of the forward-oriented readint
10read_lengthtotal length of the readint
11call_probprobability of the base modification call in the next columnint
12call_codebase modification call, - indicates a canonical callstr
13base_qualbasecall quality score (phred)int
14ref_kmerreference 5-mer sequence context (center base is aligned base), '.' if unmappedstr
15query_kmerread 5-mer sequence context (center base is aligned base)str
16canonical_basecanonical base from the query sequence, from the MM tagstr
17modified_primary_baseprimary sequence base with the modificationstr
18failtrue if the base modification call fell below the pass thresholdstr
19inferredwhether the base modification call is implicit canonicalstr
20within_alignmentwhen alignment information is present, is this base aligned to the referencestr
21flagFLAG from alignment recordstr

Note on implicit base modification calls.

The . MM flag indicates that primary sequence bases without an associated base modification probability should be inferred to be canonical. By default, when this flag is encountered in a modBAM, modkit extract will output rows with the inferred column set to true and a mod_qual value of 0.0 for the base modifications called on that read. For example, if you have a A+a. MM tag, and there are A bases in the read for which there aren't base modification calls (identifiable as non-0s in the MM tag) will be rows where the mod_code is a and the mod_qual is 0.0.

Note on non-primary alignments

If a valid MN tag is found, secondary and supplementary alignments can be output in the modkit extract tables above. See troubleshooting for details on how to get valid MN tags. To have non-primary alignments appear in the output, the --allow-non-primary flag must be passed. By default, the primary alignment will have all base modification information contained on the read, including soft-clipped and unaligned read positions. If the --mapped-only flag is used, soft clipped sections of the read will not be included. For secondary and supplementary alignments, soft-clipped positions are not repeated. See advanced usage for more details.

Example usages:

Extract a table from an aligned and indexed BAM

modkit extract <input.bam> <output.tsv> 

If the index input.bam.bai can be found, intervals along the aligned genome can be performed in parallel.

Extract a table from a region of a large modBAM

The below example will extract reads from only chr20, and include reference sequence context

modkit extract <intput.bam> <output.tsv> --region chr20 --ref <ref.fasta>

Extract only sites aligned to a CG motif

modkit motif-bed <reference.fasta> CG 0 > CG_motifs.bed
modkit extract <in.bam> <out.tsv> --ref <ref.fasta> --include-bed CG_motifs.bed

Extract only sites that are at least 50 bases from the ends of the reads

modkit extract <in.bam> <out.tsv> --edge-filter 50

Extract read-level base modification calls

modkit extract <input.bam> null --read-calls <calls.tsv>

Using "null" in the place of the normal output will direct the normal extract output to /dev/null, to keep this output specify a file or - for standard out.

modkit extract <input.bam> <output.tsv> --read-calls <calls.tsv>

Use --allow-non-primary to get secondary and supplementary mappings in the output.

modkit extract <input.bam> <output.tsv> --read-calls <calls.tsv> --allow-non-primary

See the help string and/or advanced_usage for more details.

Calling mods in a modBAM

The call-mods subcommand in modkit transforms one modBAM into another modBAM where the base modification probabilities have been clamped to 100% and 0%. If the --filter-threshold and/or --mod-threshold options are provided, base modification calls failing the threshold will be removed prior to changing the probabilities. The output modBAM can be used for visualization, pileup, or other applications. For call-mods, if a correct MN tag is found, secondary and supplementary alignments will be output. See troubleshooting for details.

A modBAM that has been transformed with call-mods using --filter-threshold and/or --mod-threshold cannot be re-transformed with different thresholds.

Note on pileup with clamped probabilities: modkit pileup will attempt to estimate the threshold probability by default, but it is unnecessary if the modBAM is the result of call-mods. The threshold probabilities will be artificially high (i.e. not representative of the model's output probabilities). Similarly, specifying --filter-threshold and --mod-threshold is not useful because all the ML probabilities have been set to 0 and 100%.

Example usages

Estimate the threshold on the fly, apply to modBAM and clamp the modification calls to certainty.

modkit call-mods <in.bam> <out.bam>

Specify a filter threshold for your use-case

modkit call-mods <in.bam> <out.bam> --filter-threshold A:0.9 --mod-threshold a:0.95 --filter-threshold C:0.97

Call mods with the estimated threshold and ignore modification calls within 100 base pairs of the ends of the reds

modkit call-mods <in.bam> <out.bam> --edge-filter 100

Removing modification calls at the ends of reads

If you have reads where you know base modifications near the ends should not be used (for example, if they are in adapters), you can use the --edge-filter <n_basepairs> option. Two comma-separated values may be provided to asymmetrically filter out base modification calls from the start and end of reads. For example, 4,8 will filter out base modification calls in the first 4 and last 8 bases of the read. One value will filter symmetrically.

  1. pileup, will ignore base modification calls that are <n_basepairs> from the ends.
  2. adjust-mods, will remove base modification calls that are <n_basepairs> from the ends from the resultant output modBAM.
  3. summary, will ignore base modification calls that are <n_basepairs> from the ends.
  4. sample-probs, will ignore base modification calls that are <n_basepairs> from the ends.
  5. call-mods, will remove base modification calls that are <n_basepairs> from the ends from the resultant output modBAM.
  6. extract, will ignore base modification calls that are <n_basepairs> from the ends, this also applies when making the read-calls table (see intro to extract).

In pileup, call-mods, and extract the edge-filter is also respected when estimating the pass-thresholds. All commands have the flag --invert-edge-filter that will keep only base modification probabilities within <n_basepairs> of the ends of the reads.

Example usages

call mods with the estimated threshold and ignore modification calls within 100 base pairs of the ends of the reads

modkit call-mods <in.bam> <out.bam> --edge-filter 100

Perform pileup, ignoring base modification calls within 100 base pairs of the ends of the reads

modkit pileup <in.bam> <out.bed> --edge-filter 100

Filter out base modification calls within the first 25 bases or the last 10 bases.

modkit pileup <in.bam> <out.bed> --edge-filter 25,10

Narrow output to specific positions

The pileup, sample-probs, summary, and extract sub commands have a --include-bed (or --include-positions) option that will restrict analysis to only positions that overlap with the intervals contained within the BED file.

In the case of pileup, summary, and sample-probs, the pass-threshold will be estimated with only base modification probabilities that are aligned to positions overlapping intervals in the BED. In the case of pileup and extract only positions will be reported if they overlap intervals in the BED.

Repair MM/ML tags on trimmed reads

The modkit repair command is useful when you have a BAM with reads where the canonical sequences have been altered in some way that either renders the MM and ML tags invalid (for example, trimmed or hard-clipped) or the data has been lost completely. This command requires that you have the original base modification calls for each read you want to repair, and it will project these base modification calls onto the sequences in the altered BAM.

The command uses two arguments called the "donor" and the "acceptor". The donor, contains the original, correct, MM and ML tags and the acceptor is either missing MM and ML tags or they are invalid (they will be discarded either way). The reads in the donor must be a superset of the reads in the acceptor, meaning you can have extra reads in the donor BAM if some reads have been removed or filtered earlier in the workflow. Both the donor and the acceptor must be sorted by read name prior to running modkit repair. Duplicate reads in the acceptor are allowed so long as they have valid SEQ fields. Lastly, modkit repair only works on reads that have been trimmed, other kinds of alteration such as run-length-encoding are not currently supported. Split reads, or other derived transformations, are not currently repairable with this command.

For example a typical workflow may look like this:

# original base modification calls

# basecalls that have been trimmed
trimmed.bam # could also be fastq, but would require conversion to BAM

# the two BAM files need to be sorted
samtools -n trimmed.bam -O BAM > trimed_read_sort.bam 
samtools -n basecalls_5mC_5hmC.bam -O BAM > basecalls_5mC_5hmC_read_sort.bam

modkit repair \
    --donor-bam basecalls_5mC_5hmC_read_sort.bam \
    --acceptor-bam trimed_read_sort.bam \
    --log-filepath modkit_repair.log \
    --output-bam trimmed_repaired.bam

Make hemi-methylation bedMethyl tables with pileup-hemi

Base modifications in DNA are inherently single-stranded, they (usually [^1]) don't change the base pairing of the modified base. However, it may be of interest to know the correspondence between the methylation state of a single base and another nearby base on the opposite strand - on the same molecule. In CpG dinucleotides, this is called "hemi-methylation", when one cytosine is methylated and the neighbor on the opposite strand is not:


In the above diagram, the cytosine in the fourth position on the positive strand is methylated (5mC) and the cytosine in the fifth position is canonical (-), indicating a "hemi-methylation".

In the case of 5mC and canonical, there are 4 "patterns" of methylation:

m,m (5mC, 5mC)
-,m (canonical, 5mC)
m,- (5mC, canonical)
-,- (canonical, canonical)

These are all measured at the single molecule level, meaning each molecule must report on both strands (as is the case with duplex reads). For CpGs in the example above the MM tags would be C+m? and G-m? for the top-strand and bottom-strand cytosines, respectively.

The modkit pileup-hemi command will perform an aggregation of the methylation "patterns" at genomic positions. An example command to perform hemi-methylation analysis at CpGs would be

modkit pileup-hemi \
  /path/to/duplex_reads.bam \
  --cpg \
  -r /path/to/reference.fasta \
  -o hemi_pileup.bed \
  --log modkit.log

Many of the pileup options are available in pileup-hemi with a couple differences: :

  1. A motif must be provided. The --cpg flag is a preset to aggregate CpG hemi-methylation patterns as shown above. If a motif is provided (as an argument to --motif) it must be reverse-complement palindromic.
  2. A reference must be provided.
  3. Both the positive strand base modification probability and the negative strand base modification probability must be above the pass threshold.

See Advanced Usage for details on all the options.

Description of hemi-methylation patterns

The modkit pileup-hemi command aggregates a pair of base modification calls at each reference motif position for each double-stranded DNA molecule. The base modification "pattern" indicates the methylation state on each base in 5-prime to 3-prime order, using the base modification code to indicate the identity of the base modification and - to indicate canonical (unmodified). For example m,-,C would mean the first base (from the reference 5' direction) is 5mC and the second base is unmodified and the primary base is cytosone. Similarly, h,m,C indicates the first base is 5hmC and the second base is 5mC. The primary base called by the read is included to help disambiguate the unmodified patterns (-,-). All patterns recognized at a location will be reported in the bedMethyl output.


  • Npattern - Number of call-pairs passing filters that had the pattern and primary base in column 4. E.g. m,-,C indicates the first base in the 5' to 3' direction is 5mC, the second base is unmodified and the primary base in the reads was C.
  • Ncanonical - Number of call-pairs passing filters that were classified as unmodified (i.e. the pattern is -,-).
  • Nother_pattern - Number of call-pairs passing filters where the pattern is different from the pattern in column 4, but where the primary read base is the same. This count includes the unmodified pattern (-,-). Note this differs from pileup where Nother does not contain the canonical counts.
  • Nvalid_cov - the valid coverage, total number of valid call-pairs.
  • Ndiff - Number of reads with a primary base other than the primary base in column 4.
  • Ndelete - Number of reads with a deletion at this reference position.
  • Nfail - Number of call-pairs where the probability of the at least one of the calls in the pair was below the pass threshold. The threshold can be set on the command line or computed from the data (usually failing the lowest 10th percentile of calls).
  • Nnocall - Number of reads where either one or both of the base modification calls was not present in the read.

bedMethyl column descriptions.

1chromname of reference sequence from BAM headerstr
2start position0-based start positionint
3end position0-based exclusive end positionint
4methylation patterncomma-separated pair of modification codes - means canonical, followed by the primary read basestr
5scoreEqual to
6strandalways '.' because strand information is combinedstr
7start positionincluded for compatibilityint
8end positionincluded for compatibilityint
9colorincluded for compatibility, always 255,0,0str
10Nvalid_covSee definitions
11fraction modifiedNpattern / Nvalid_covfloat
12NpatternSee definitions
13NcanonicalSee definitions
14Nother_patternSee definitions
15NdeleteSee definitions
16NfailSee definitions
17NdiffSee definitions
18NnocallSee definitions


  1. Only one motif can be used at a time, this limitation may be removed in a later version.
  2. Partitioning on tag key:value pairs is not currently supported.

[^1] In biology, there are almost always exceptions to every rule!

Perform differential methylation scoring

The modkit dmr command contains two subcommands, pair and multi, that will compare pairwise conditions and multiple conditions. The pair command can be used to perform differential methylation detection on single genome positions (for example CpGs) or regions provided as a BED file. On the other hand, multi can only be used to compare regions (such as CpG islands), provided as a BED file. There are essentially three differential methylation workflows:

  1. Perform differential methylation scoring with a pair of samples on regions of the genome.
  2. Perform differential methylation scoring across all pairs of samples on regions of the genome.
  3. Perform base-level differential modification detection for a pair of conditions.

Each application is explained below. For details on the scoping of these applications see the limitations.

Preparing the input data

The inputs to all modkit dmr commands are two or more bedMethyl files (created by modkit pileup) that have been compressed with bgzip and indexed with tabix. An example of how to generate the input data is shown below:



modkit pileup ${norm} ${norm_pileup} \
  --cpg \
  --ref ${ref} \
  --threads ${threads} \
  --log-filepath log.txt

bgzip -k ${norm_pileup}
tabix -p bed ${norm_pileup}.gz

# pileup and compression can also be done in one step

modkit pileup ${tumor} - \
  --cpg \
  --ref ${ref} \
  --threads ${threads} \
  --log-filepath log.txt | ${bgzip} -c > ${tumor_pileup}

tabix -p bed ${tumor_pileup}

1. Perform differential methylation scoring of genomic regions for a pair of samples.

Once you have the two samples to be compared in the appropriate format, the final piece necessary is a BED file of the regions to be compared. Currently, the modkit dmr functionality does not "segment" or otherwise discover regions, however this limitation will be removed in a future release. To continue with our example we can get CpG Islands from the UCSC table browser. The data may not always be appropriate input for modkit. For example, the CpG Islands track has extra columns and a header line:

#bin  chrom  chromStart  chromEnd  name          length  cpgNum  gcNum  perCpg  perGc  obsExp
660   chr20  9838623     9839213   CpG:  47      590     47     383     15.9   64.9    0.76
661   chr20  10034962    10035266  CpG:  35      304     35     228     23     75      0.85

Therefore, we need to transform the data with awk or similar, such as:

awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t"; OFS="\t"} NR>1 {print $2, $3, $4, $5}' cpg_islands_ucsc.bed \
  | bedtools sort -i - >  cpg_islands_ucsc_cleaned.bed

Keeping the name column is optional. Sorting the regions isn't strictly necessary, the output will be in the same order as the regions file. Below is an example command to produce the scored output. The --base option tells modkit dmr which bases to use for scoring the differences, the argument should be a canonical nucleotide (A, C, G, or T) whichever primary sequence base has the modifications you're interested in capturing. For example, for CpG islands the base we're interested in is C.


modkit dmr pair \
  -a ${norm_pileup}.gz \
  --index-a ${norm_pileup}.gz.tbi \ # optional
  -b ${tumor_pileup}.gz \
  --index-b ${tumor_pileup}.gz.tbi \ # optional
  -o ${dmr_result} \ # output to stdout if not present
  -r ${regions} \
  --ref ${ref} \
  --base C \  # may be repeated if multiple modifications are being used
  --threads ${threads} \
  --log-filepath dmr.log

The ouput of this command will be similar to

chr20  9838623   9839213   CpG:  47   257.34514203447543    C:57   1777  C:601  2091   C:3.21  C:28.74  0.032076534   0.2874223
chr20  10034962  10035266  CpG:  35   1.294227443419004     C:7    1513  C:14   1349   C:0.46  C:1.04   0.00462657    0.010378058

The full schema is described below.

2. Perform differential methylation detection on all pairs of samples over regions from the genome.

The modkit dmr multi command runs all pairwise comparisons for more than two samples for all regions provided in the regions BED file. The preparation of the data is identical to that for the previous section (for each sample, of course). An example command could be:

modkit dmr multi \
  -s ${norm_pileup_1}.gz norm1 \
  -s ${tumor_pileup_1}.gz tumor1 \
  -s ${norm_pileup_2}.gz norm2 \
  -s ${tumor_pileup_2}.gz tumor2 \
  -o ${dmr_dir} \ # required for multi
  -r ${cpg_islands} \ # skip this option to perform base-level DMR
  --ref ${ref} \
  --base C \
  -t 10 \
  -f \
  --log-filepath dmr_multi.log

For example the samples could be haplotype-partitioned bedMethyl tables or biological replicates. Unlike for modkit dmr pair a sample name (e.g. norm1 and tumor1 above) must be provided for each input sample. You can also use --index <filepath> <sample_name> to specify where the tabix index file is for each sample.

3. Detecting differential modification at single base positions

The modkit dmr pair command has the ability to score individual bases (e.g. differentially methylated CpGs). To run single-base analysis on one or more paired samples, simply omit the --regions (-r) option when running modkit dmr pair. When performing single-base analysis the likelihood ratio score and a MAP-based p-value are available. For details on the likelihood ratio score and the MAP-based p-value, see the scoring details section. For example the above command becomes:


modkit dmr pair \
  -a ${hp1_pileup}.gz \
  -b ${hp2_pileup}.gz \
  -o ${dmr_result} \
  --ref ${ref} \
  --base C \
  --threads ${threads} \
  --log-filepath dmr.log

Multiple replicates can be provided as well by repeating the -a and -b options, such as:


modkit dmr pair \
  -a ${norm_pileup_1}.gz \
  -a ${norm_pileup_2}.gz \
  -b ${tumor_pileup_1}.gz \
  -b ${tumor_pileup_2}.gz \
  -o ${dmr_result_replicates} \
  --ref ${ref} \
  --base C \
  --threads ${threads} \
  --log-filepath dmr.log

Keep in mind that the MAP-based p-value provided in single-site analysis is based on a "modified" vs "unmodified" model, see the scoring section and limitations for additional details.

Differential methylation output format

The output from modkit dmr pair (and for each pairwise comparison with modkit dmr multi) is (roughly) a BED file with the following schema:

1chromname of reference sequence from bedMethyl input samplesstr
2start position0-based start position, from --regions argumentint
3end position0-based exclusive end position, from --regions argumentint
4namename column from --regions BED, or chr:start-stop if absentstr
5scoreDifference score, more positive values have increased differencefloat
6samplea countsCounts of each base modification in the region, comma-separated, for sample Astr
7samplea totalTotal number of base modification calls in the region, including unmodified, for sample Astr
8sampleb countsCounts of each base modification in the region, comma-separated, for sample Bstr
9sampleb totalTotal number of base modification calls in the region, including unmodified, for sample Bstr
10samplea fractionsFraction of calls for each base modification in the region, comma-separated, for sample Astr
11sampleb fractionsFraction of calls for each base modification in the region, comma-separated, for sample Bstr
12samplea percent modifiedpercent modification (of any kind) in sample Afloat
13sampleb percent modifiedpercent modification (of any kind) in sample Bfloat

an example of the output is given below:

chr20  9838623   9839213   CpG:  47   257.34514203447543    C:57   1777  C:601  2091   C:3.21  C:28.74  0.032076534   0.2874223
chr20  10034962  10035266  CpG:  35   1.294227443419004     C:7    1513  C:14   1349   C:0.46  C:1.04   0.00462657    0.010378058
chr20  10172120  10172545  CpG:  35   5.013026381110649     C:43   1228  C:70   1088   C:3.50  C:6.43   0.035016287   0.06433824
chr20  10217487  10218336  CpG:  59   173.7819873154349     C:136  2337  C:482  1838   C:5.82  C:26.22  0.058194265   0.26224157
chr20  10433628  10434345  CpG:  71   -0.13968153023233754  C:31   2748  C:36   3733   C:1.13  C:0.96   0.0112809315  0.009643719
chr20  10671925  10674963  CpG:  255  6.355823977093678     C:67   9459  C:153  12862  C:0.71  C:1.19   0.0070832013  0.011895506

When performing single-site analysis, the following additional columns are added:

14MAP-based p-valueRatio of the posterior probability of observing the effect size over zero effect sizefloat
15effect sizePercent modified in sample A (col 12) minus percent modified in sample B (col 13)float
16balanced MAP-based p-valueMAP-based p-value when all replicates are balancedfloat
17balanced effect sizeeffect size when all replicates are balancedfloat
18pct_a_samplespercent of 'a' samples used in statistical testfloat
19pct_b_samplespercent of 'b' samples used in statistical testfloat
20per-replicate p-valuesMAP-based p-values for matched replicate pairsfloat
21per-replicate effect sizeseffect sizes matched replicate pairsfloat

Columns 16-19 are only produced when multiple samples are provided, columns 20 and 21 are only produced when there is an equal number of 'a' and 'b' samples. When using multiple samples, it is possible that not every sample will have a modification fraction at a position. When this happens, the statistical test is still performed and the values of pct_a_samples and pct_b_samples reflect the percent of samples from each condition used in the test.

Columns 20 and 21 have the replicate pairwise MAP-based p-values and effect sizes which are calculated based on their order provided on the command line. For example in the abbreviated command below:

modkit dmr pair \
  -a ${norm_pileup_1}.gz \
  -a ${norm_pileup_2}.gz \
  -b ${tumor_pileup_1}.gz \
  -b ${tumor_pileup_2}.gz \

Column 20 will contain the MAP-based p-value comparing norm_pileup_1 versus tumor_pileup_1 and norm_pileup_2 versus norm_pileup_2. Column 21 will contain the effect sizes, values are comma-separated. If you have a different number of samples for each condition, such as:

modkit dmr pair \
  -a ${norm_pileup_1}.gz \
  -a ${norm_pileup_2}.gz \
  -a ${norm_pileup_3}.gz \
  -b ${tumor_pileup_1}.gz \
  -b ${tumor_pileup_2}.gz \

these columns will not be present.

Validating ground truth results.

The modkit validate sub-command is intended for validating results in a uniform manner from samples with known modified base content. Specifically the modified base status at any annotated reference location should be known.

Validating from modBAM reads and BED reference annotation.

The input to the modkit validate command will be pairs of modBAM and BED files. modBAM files should contain modified base calls in the MM/ML tag as input to most modkit commands. BED files paired to each input modBAM file describe the ground truth modified base status at reference positions. This ground truth status should be known by the researcher due to previous experimental conditions and cannot be derived by modkit.

modkit validate \
    --bam-and-bed sample1.bam sample1_annotation.bed \
    --bam-and-bed sample2.bam sample2_annotation.bed

This will produce output such as the following:

> Parsing BED at /path/to/sample1_annotation.bed
> Processed 10 BED lines
> Parsing BED at /path/to/sample2_annotation.bed
> Processed 10 BED lines
> Canonical base: C
> Parsing mapping at /path/to/sample1.bam
> Processed 10 mapping recrods
> Parsing mapping at /path/to/sample2.bam
> Processed 10 mapping recrods
> Raw counts summary
              Called Base
         │   │ -     │ a     │ C │ G │ T │ Deletion │
 Ground  │ - │ 9,900 │   100 │ 1 │ 1 │ 1 │        2 │
 Truth   │ a │   100 │ 9,900 │ 1 │ 1 │ 1 │        2 │
> Balancing ground truth call totals
> Raw accuracy: 99.00%
> Raw modified base calls contingency table
              Called Base
         │   │ -      │ a      │
 Ground  │ - │ 99.00% │  1.00% │
 Truth   │ a │  1.00% │ 99.00% │
> Call probability threshold: 0.95
> Filtered accuracy: 99.90%
> Filtered modified base calls contingency table
              Called Base
         │   │ -      │ a      │
 Ground  │ - │ 99.90% │  0.10% │
 Truth   │ a │  0.10% │ 99.90% │

The filtering threshold is computed in the same manner as in all other modkit commands. Currently only a defined percentage of input data filtering threshold estimation is implemented. The default value is 10% (as in other modkit commands) and can be adjusted with the --filter-quantile argument. Other methods (including user-defined thresholds) will be implemented in a future version.

The Call probability threshold is intended a value to be used for user-defined thresholds for other modkit commands.

BED ground truth annotation file:

A BED file is a tab-delimited file. For this command the first 6 fields are processed. These fields are as follows:

1chromname of reference sequencestr
2start position0-based start positionint
3end position0-based exclusive end positionint
4mod codeModified base codestr
6strandStrand (e.g. +,-,.)str

The 5th column is ignored in the validate command.

The 4th column represents the modified base code annotating the status at this reference position (or range of reference positions). This value can be - representing a canonical base (note that this differs from the remora validate annotation), a single letter code as defined in the modBAM tag specification, or any ChEBI code. The validate command will assume that any base from the associated modBAM file overlapping these positions should match this annotation.

Output file

The --out-filepath option is provided to allow persistent storage of results in a machine-parseable format without other logging lines. This format outputs all contingency tables in a machine-parseable format. For example this contingency table [["ground_truth_label","-","a"],["-",9900,100],["a",100,9900]] would be produced from the above example results.

modkit, subcommand documentation

The goal of modkit is to enable best-practices manipulation of BAM files containing modified base information (modBAMs). The various sub-commands and tools available in modkit are described below. This information can be obtained by invoking the long help (--help) for each command.

Advanced usage information.

Modkit is a bioinformatics tool for working with modified bases from Oxford Nanopore

Usage: modkit <COMMAND>

  pileup        Tabulates base modification calls across genomic positions. This command
                    produces a bedMethyl formatted file. Schema and description of fields can be
                    found in the README.
  adjust-mods   Performs various operations on BAM files containing base modification
                    information, such as converting base modification codes and ignoring
                    modification calls. Produces a BAM output file.
  update-tags   Renames Mm/Ml to tags to MM/ML. Also allows changing the the mode flag from
                    silent '.' to explicitly '?' or '.'.
  sample-probs  Calculate an estimate of the base modification probability distribution.
  summary       Summarize the mod tags present in a BAM and get basic statistics. The default
                    output is a totals table (designated by '#' lines) and a modification calls
                    table. Descriptions of the columns can be found in the README.
  call-mods     Call mods from a modbam, creates a new modbam with probabilities set to 100% if
                    a base modification is called or 0% if called canonical.
  motif-bed     Create BED file with all locations of a sequence motif. 
                    Example: modkit motif-bed CG 0
  extract       Extract read-level base modification information from a modBAM into a
                    tab-separated values table.
  repair        Repair MM and ML tags in one bam with the correct tags from another. To use this
                    command, both modBAMs _must_ be sorted by read name. The "donor" modBAM's reads
                    must be a superset of the acceptor's reads. Extra reads in the donor are
                    allowed, and multiple reads with the same name (secondary, etc.) are allowed in
                    the acceptor. Reads with an empty SEQ field cannot be repaired and will be
                    rejected. Reads where there is an ambiguous alignment of the acceptor to the
                    donor will be rejected (and logged). See the full documentation for details.
  dmr           Perform DMR test on a set of regions. Output a BED file of regions with the
                    score column indicating the magnitude of the difference. Find the schema and
                    description of fields can in the README as well as a description of the model
                    and method. See subcommand help for additional details.
  pileup-hemi   Tabulates double-stranded base modification patters (such as hemi-methylation)
                    across genomic motif positions. This command produces a bedMethyl file, the
                    schema can be found in the online documentation.
  validate      Validate results from a set of mod-BAM files and associated BED files containing
                    the ground truth modified base status at reference positions.
  help          Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s).

  -h, --help     Print help information.
  -V, --version  Print version information.


Tabulates base modification calls across genomic positions. This command produces a bedMethyl
formatted file. Schema and description of fields can be found in the README.

Usage: modkit pileup [OPTIONS] <IN_BAM> <OUT_BED>

          Input BAM, should be sorted and have associated index available.

          Output file (or directory with --bedgraph option) to write results into. Specify "-" or
          "stdout" to direct output to stdout.

      --log-filepath <LOG_FILEPATH>
          Specify a file for debug logs to be written to, otherwise ignore them. Setting a file is
          recommended. (alias: log)

      --region <REGION>
          Process only the specified region of the BAM when performing pileup. Format should be
          <chrom_name>:<start>-<end> or <chrom_name>. Commas are allowed.

      --max-depth <MAX_DEPTH>
          Maximum number of records to use when calculating pileup. This argument is passed to the
          pileup engine. If you have high depth data, consider increasing this value substantially.
          Must be less than 2147483647 or an error will be raised.
          [default: 8000]

  -t, --threads <THREADS>
          Number of threads to use while processing chunks concurrently.
          [default: 4]

  -i, --interval-size <INTERVAL_SIZE>
          Interval chunk size in base pairs to process concurrently. Smaller interval chunk sizes
          will use less memory but incur more overhead.
          [default: 100000]

      --chunk-size <CHUNK_SIZE>
          Break contigs into chunks containing this many intervals (see `interval_size`). This
          option can be used to help prevent excessive memory usage, usually with no performance
          penalty. By default, modkit will set this value to 1.5x the number of threads specified,
          so if 4 threads are specified the chunk_size will be 6. A warning will be shown if this
          option is less than the number of threads specified.

          Hide the progress bar.

  -n, --num-reads <NUM_READS>
          Sample this many reads when estimating the filtering threshold. Reads will be sampled
          evenly across aligned genome. If a region is specified, either with the --region option or
          the --sample-region option, then reads will be sampled evenly across the region given.
          This option is useful for large BAM files. In practice, 10-50 thousand reads is sufficient
          to estimate the model output distribution and determine the filtering threshold.
          [default: 10042]

  -f, --sampling-frac <SAMPLING_FRAC>
          Sample this fraction of the reads when estimating the pass-threshold. In practice, 10-100
          thousand reads is sufficient to estimate the model output distribution and determine the
          filtering threshold. See for details on filtering.

      --seed <SEED>
          Set a random seed for deterministic running, the default is non-deterministic.

          Do not perform any filtering, include all mod base calls in output. See for
          details on filtering.

  -p, --filter-percentile <FILTER_PERCENTILE>
          Filter out modified base calls where the probability of the predicted variant is below
          this confidence percentile. For example, 0.1 will filter out the 10% lowest confidence
          modification calls.
          [default: 0.1]

      --filter-threshold <FILTER_THRESHOLD>
          Specify the filter threshold globally or per-base. Global filter threshold can be
          specified with by a decimal number (e.g. 0.75). Per-base thresholds can be specified by
          colon-separated values, for example C:0.75 specifies a threshold value of 0.75 for
          cytosine modification calls. Additional per-base thresholds can be specified by repeating
          the option: for example --filter-threshold C:0.75 --filter-threshold A:0.70 or specify a
          single base option and a default for all other bases with: --filter-threshold A:0.70
          --filter-threshold 0.9 will specify a threshold value of 0.70 for adenine and 0.9 for all
          other base modification calls.

      --mod-thresholds <MOD_THRESHOLDS>
          Specify a passing threshold to use for a base modification, independent of the threshold
          for the primary sequence base or the default. For example, to set the pass threshold for
          5hmC to 0.8 use `--mod-threshold h:0.8`. The pass threshold will still be estimated as
          usual and used for canonical cytosine and other modifications unless the
          `--filter-threshold` option is also passed. See the online documentation for more details.

      --sample-region <SAMPLE_REGION>
          Specify a region for sampling reads from when estimating the threshold probability. If
          this option is not provided, but --region is provided, the genomic interval passed to
          --region will be used. Format should be <chrom_name>:<start>-<end> or <chrom_name>.

      --sampling-interval-size <SAMPLING_INTERVAL_SIZE>
          Interval chunk size in base pairs to process concurrently when estimating the threshold
          probability, can be larger than the pileup processing interval.
          [default: 1000000]

      --include-bed <INCLUDE_BED>
          BED file that will restrict threshold estimation and pileup results to positions
          overlapping intervals in the file. (alias: include-positions)

          Include unmapped base modifications when estimating the pass threshold.

      --ignore <IGNORE>
          Ignore a modified base class  _in_situ_ by redistributing base modification probability
          equally across other options. For example, if collapsing 'h', with 'm' and canonical
          options, half of the probability of 'h' will be added to both 'm' and 'C'. A full
          description of the methods can be found in

          Force allow implicit-canonical mode. By default modkit does not allow pileup with the
          implicit mode (e.g. C+m, no '.' or '?'). The `update-tags` subcommand is provided to
          update tags to the new mode. This option allows the interpretation of implicit mode tags:
          residues without modified base probability will be interpreted as being the non-modified

      --motif <MOTIF> <MOTIF>
          Output pileup counts for only sequence motifs provided. The first argument should be the
          sequence motif and the second argument is the 0-based offset to the base to pileup base
          modification counts for. For example: --motif CGCG 0 indicates to pileup counts for the
          first C on the top strand and the last C (complement to G) on the bottom strand. The --cpg
          argument is short hand for --motif CG 0.
          This argument can be passed multiple times. When more than one motif is used, the
          resulting output BED file will indicate the motif in the "name" field as
          <mod_code>,<motif>,<offset>. For example, given `--motif CGCG 2 --motif CG 0` there will
          be output lines with name fields such as "m,CG,0" and "m,CGCG,2". To use this option with
          `--combine-strands`, all motifs must be reverse-complement palindromic or an error will be

          Only output counts at CpG motifs. Requires a reference sequence to be provided.

  -r, --ref <REFERENCE_FASTA>
          Reference sequence in FASTA format. Required for CpG motif filtering.

  -k, --mask
          Respect soft masking in the reference FASTA.

      --preset <PRESET>
          Optional preset options for specific applications. traditional: Prepares bedMethyl
          analogous to that generated from other technologies for the analysis of 5mC modified
          bases. Shorthand for --cpg --combine-strands --ignore h.
          [possible values: traditional]

          Combine base modification calls, all counts of modified bases are summed together. See
 for details.

          When performing motif analysis (such as CpG), sum the counts from the positive and
          negative strands into the counts for the positive strand position.

      --edge-filter <EDGE_FILTER>
          Discard base modification calls that are this many bases from the start or the end of the
          read. Two comma-separated values may be provided to asymmetrically filter out base
          modification calls from the start and end of the reads. For example, 4,8 will filter out
          base modification calls in the first 4 and last 8 bases of the read.

          Invert the edge filter, instead of filtering out base modification calls at the ends of
          reads, only _keep_ base modification calls at the ends of reads. E.g. if usually, "4,8"
          would remove (i.e. filter out) base modification calls in the first 4 and last 8 bases of
          the read, using this flag will keep only base modification calls in the first 4 and last 8

          For bedMethyl output, separate columns with only tabs. The default is to use tabs for the
          first 10 fields and spaces thereafter. The default behavior is more likely to be
          compatible with genome viewers. Enabling this option may make it easier to parse the
          output with tabular data handlers that expect a single kind of separator.

          Output bedGraph format, see For
          this setting, specify a directory for output files to be make in. Two files for each
          modification will be produced, one for the positive strand and one for the negative
          strand. So for 5mC (m) and 5hmC (h) there will be 4 files produced.

      --prefix <PREFIX>
          Prefix to prepend on bedgraph output file names. Without this option the files will be

      --partition-tag <PARTITION_TAG>
          Partition output into multiple bedMethyl files based on tag-value pairs. The output will
          be multiple bedMethyl files with the format
          `<prefix>_<tag_value_1>_<tag_value_2>_<tag_value_n>.bed` prefix is optional and set with
          the `--prefix` flag.

  -h, --help
          Print help information (use `-h` for a summary)


Performs various operations on BAM files containing base modification information, such as
converting base modification codes and ignoring modification calls. Produces a BAM output file

Usage: modkit adjust-mods [OPTIONS] <IN_BAM> <OUT_BAM>

          BAM file to collapse mod call from. Can be a path to a file or one of `-` or `stdin` to
          specify a stream from standard input.

          File path to new BAM file to be created. Can be a path to a file or one of `-` or `stdin`
          to specify a stream from standard output.

      --log-filepath <LOG_FILEPATH>
          Output debug logs to file at this path.

      --ignore <IGNORE>
          Modified base code to ignore/remove, see
          for details on the modified base codes.

  -t, --threads <THREADS>
          Number of threads to use.
          [default: 4]

  -f, --ff
          Fast fail, stop processing at the first invalid sequence record. Default behavior is to
          continue and report failed/skipped records at the end.

      --convert <CONVERT> <CONVERT>
          Convert one mod-tag to another, summing the probabilities together if the retained mod tag
          is already present.

      --edge-filter <EDGE_FILTER>
          Discard base modification calls that are this many bases from the start or the end of the
          read. Two comma-separated values may be provided to asymmetrically filter out base
          modification calls from the start and end of the reads. For example, 4,8 will filter out
          base modification calls in the first 4 and last 8 bases of the read.

          Invert the edge filter, instead of filtering out base modification calls at the ends of
          reads, only _keep_ base modification calls at the ends of reads. E.g. if usually, "4,8"
          would remove (i.e. filter out) base modification calls in the first 4 and last 8 bases of
          the read, using this flag will keep only base modification calls in the first 4 and last 8

          Output SAM format instead of BAM.

          Hide the progress bar

  -h, --help
          Print help information (use `-h` for a summary).


Renames Mm/Ml to tags to MM/ML. Also allows changing the the mode flag from silent '.' to explicitly
'?' or '.'.

Usage: modkit update-tags [OPTIONS] <IN_BAM> <OUT_BAM>

  <IN_BAM>   BAM to update modified base tags in. Can be a path to a file or one of `-` or `stdin`
             to specify a stream from standard input.
  <OUT_BAM>  File to new BAM file to be created or one of `-` or `stdin` to specify a stream from
             standard output.

  -m, --mode <MODE>                  Mode, change mode to this value, options {'explicit',
                                     'implicit'}. See spec at:
                                     ('?') means residues without modification probabilities will
                                     not be assumed canonical or modified. 'implicit' means residues
                                     without explicit modification probabilities are assumed to be
                                     canonical. [possible values: explicit, implicit]
  -t, --threads <THREADS>            Number of threads to use [default: 4]
      --no-implicit-probs            Don't add implicit canonical calls. This flag is important when
                                     converting from one of the implicit modes ( `.` or `""`) to
                                     explicit mode (`?`). By passing this flag, the bases without
                                     associated base modification probabilities will not be assumed
                                     to be canonical. No base modification probability will be
                                     written for these bases, meaning there is no information. The
                                     mode will automatically be set to the explicit mode `?`.
      --log-filepath <LOG_FILEPATH>  Output debug logs to file at this path.
      --output-sam                   Output SAM format instead of BAM.
  -h, --help                         Print help information.


Calculate an estimate of the base modification probability distribution.

Usage: modkit sample-probs [OPTIONS] <IN_BAM>

          Input BAM with modified base tags. If a index is found reads will be sampled evenly across
          the length of the reference sequence. Can be a path to a file or one of `-` or `stdin` to
          specify a stream from standard input.

  -t, --threads <THREADS>
          Number of threads to use.
          [default: 4]

      --log-filepath <LOG_FILEPATH>
          Specify a file for debug logs to be written to, otherwise ignore them. Setting a file is

          Hide the progress bar.

  -p, --percentiles <PERCENTILES>
          Percentiles to calculate, a space separated list of floats.
          [default: 0.1,0.5,0.9]

  -o, --out-dir <OUT_DIR>
          Directory to deposit result tables into. Required for model probability histogram output.
          Creates two files probabilities.tsv and probabilities.txt The .txt contains
          ASCII-histograms and the .tsv contains tab-separated variable data represented by the

      --prefix <PREFIX>
          Label to prefix output files with. E.g. 'foo' will output foo_thresholds.tsv,
          foo_probabilities.tsv, and foo_probabilities.txt.

          Overwrite results if present.

      --ignore <IGNORE>
          Ignore a modified base class  _in_situ_ by redistributing base modification probability
          equally across other options. For example, if collapsing 'h', with 'm' and canonical
          options, half of the probability of 'h' will be added to both 'm' and 'C'. A full
          description of the methods can be found in

      --edge-filter <EDGE_FILTER>
          Discard base modification calls that are this many bases from the start or the end of the
          read. Two comma-separated values may be provided to asymmetrically filter out base
          modification calls from the start and end of the reads. For example, 4,8 will filter out
          base modification calls in the first 4 and last 8 bases of the read.

          Invert the edge filter, instead of filtering out base modification calls at the ends of
          reads, only _keep_ base modification calls at the ends of reads. E.g. if usually, "4,8"
          would remove (i.e. filter out) base modification calls in the first 4 and last 8 bases of
          the read, using this flag will keep only base modification calls in the first 4 and last 8

          Output histogram of base modification prediction probabilities.

      --buckets <BUCKETS>
          Number of buckets for the histogram, if used.
          [default: 128]

  -n, --num-reads <NUM_READS>
          Approximate maximum number of reads to use, especially recommended when using a large BAM
          without an index. If an indexed BAM is provided, the reads will be sampled evenly over the
          length of the aligned reference. If a region is passed with the --region option, they will
          be sampled over the genomic region. Actual number of reads used may deviate slightly from
          this number.
          [default: 10042]

  -f, --sampling-frac <SAMPLING_FRAC>
          Instead of using a defined number of reads, specify a fraction of reads to sample, for
          example 0.1 will sample 1/10th of the reads.

          No sampling, use all of the reads to calculate the filter thresholds.

  -s, --seed <SEED>
          Random seed for deterministic running, the default is non-deterministic, only used when no
          BAM index is provided.

      --region <REGION>
          Process only the specified region of the BAM when collecting probabilities. Format should
          be <chrom_name>:<start>-<end> or <chrom_name>.

  -i, --interval-size <INTERVAL_SIZE>
          Interval chunk size in base pairs to process concurrently. Smaller interval chunk sizes
          will use less memory but incur more overhead. Only used when sampling probs from an
          indexed bam.
          [default: 1000000]

      --include-bed <INCLUDE_BED>
          Only sample base modification probabilities that are aligned to the positions in this BED
          file. (alias: include-positions)

          Only use base modification probabilities that are aligned (i.e. ignore soft-clipped, and
          inserted bases).

  -h, --help
          Print help information (use `-h` for a summary).


Summarize the mod tags present in a BAM and get basic statistics. The default output is a totals
table (designated by '#' lines) and a modification calls table. Descriptions of the columns can be
found in the README.

Usage: modkit summary [OPTIONS] <IN_BAM>

          Input modBam, can be a path to a file or one of `-` or `stdin` to specify a stream from
          standard input.

  -t, --threads <THREADS>
          Number of threads to use.
          [default: 4]

      --log-filepath <LOG_FILEPATH>
          Specify a file for debug logs to be written to, otherwise ignore them. Setting a file is

          Output summary as a tab-separated variables stdout instead of a table.

          Hide the progress bar.

  -n, --num-reads <NUM_READS>
          Approximate maximum number of reads to use, especially recommended when using a large BAM
          without an index. If an indexed BAM is provided, the reads will be sampled evenly over the
          length of the aligned reference. If a region is passed with the --region option, they will
          be sampled over the genomic region. Actual number of reads used may deviate slightly from
          this number.
          [default: 10042]

  -f, --sampling-frac <SAMPLING_FRAC>
          Instead of using a defined number of reads, specify a fraction of reads to sample when
          estimating the filter threshold. For example 0.1 will sample 1/10th of the reads.

          No sampling, use all of the reads to calculate the filter thresholds and generating the

  -s, --seed <SEED>
          Sets a random seed for deterministic running (when using --sample-frac), the default is
          non-deterministic, only used when no BAM index is provided.

          Do not perform any filtering, include all base modification calls in the summary. See
 for details on filtering.

  -p, --filter-percentile <FILTER_PERCENTILE>
          Filter out modified base calls where the probability of the predicted variant is below
          this confidence percentile. For example, 0.1 will filter out the 10% lowest confidence
          base modification calls.
          [default: 0.1]

      --filter-threshold <FILTER_THRESHOLD>
          Specify the filter threshold globally or per-base. Global filter threshold can be
          specified with by a decimal number (e.g. 0.75). Per-base thresholds can be specified by
          colon-separated values, for example C:0.75 specifies a threshold value of 0.75 for
          cytosine modification calls. Additional per-base thresholds can be specified by repeating
          the option: for example --filter-threshold C:0.75 --filter-threshold A:0.70 or specify a
          single base option and a default for all other bases with: --filter-threshold A:0.70
          --filter-threshold 0.9 will specify a threshold value of 0.70 for adenine and 0.9 for all
          other base modification calls.

      --mod-thresholds <MOD_THRESHOLDS>
          Specify a passing threshold to use for a base modification, independent of the threshold
          for the primary sequence base or the default. For example, to set the pass threshold for
          5hmC to 0.8 use `--mod-threshold h:0.8`. The pass threshold will still be estimated as
          usual and used for canonical cytosine and other modifications unless the
          `--filter-threshold` option is also passed. See the online documentation for more details.

      --ignore <IGNORE>
          Ignore a modified base class  _in_situ_ by redistributing base modification probability
          equally across other options. For example, if collapsing 'h', with 'm' and canonical
          options, half of the probability of 'h' will be added to both 'm' and 'C'. A full
          description of the methods can be found in

      --edge-filter <EDGE_FILTER>
          Discard base modification calls that are this many bases from the start or the end of the
          read. Two comma-separated values may be provided to asymmetrically filter out base
          modification calls from the start and end of the reads. For example, 4,8 will filter out
          base modification calls in the first 4 and last 8 bases of the read.

          Invert the edge filter, instead of filtering out base modification calls at the ends of
          reads, only _keep_ base modification calls at the ends of reads. E.g. if usually, "4,8"
          would remove (i.e. filter out) base modification calls in the first 4 and last 8 bases of
          the read, using this flag will keep only base modification calls in the first 4 and last 8

      --include-bed <INCLUDE_BED>
          Only summarize base modification probabilities that are aligned to the positions in this
          BED file. (alias: include-positions)

          Only use base modification probabilities that are aligned (i.e. ignore soft-clipped, and
          inserted bases).

      --region <REGION>
          Process only the specified region of the BAM when collecting probabilities. Format should
          be <chrom_name>:<start>-<end> or <chrom_name>.

  -i, --interval-size <INTERVAL_SIZE>
          When using regions, interval chunk size in base pairs to process concurrently. Smaller
          interval chunk sizes will use less memory but incur more overhead.
          [default: 1000000]

  -h, --help
          Print help information (use `-h` for a summary).


Create BED file with all locations of a sequence motif. Example: modkit motif-bed CG 0

Usage: modkit motif-bed [OPTIONS] <FASTA> <MOTIF> <OFFSET>

  <FASTA>   Input FASTA file.
  <MOTIF>   Motif to search for within FASTA, e.g. CG.
  <OFFSET>  Offset within motif, e.g. 0.

  -k, --mask  Respect soft masking in the reference FASTA.
  -h, --help  Print help information.


Call mods from a modBam, creates a new modBam with probabilities set to 100% if a base modification
is called or 0% if called canonical.

Usage: modkit call-mods [OPTIONS] <IN_BAM> <OUT_BAM>

          Input BAM, may be sorted and have associated index available. Can be a path to a file or
          one of `-` or `stdin` to specify a stream from standard input.

          Output BAM, can be a path to a file or one of `-` or `stdin` to specify a stream from
          standard input.

      --log-filepath <LOG_FILEPATH>
          Specify a file for debug logs to be written to, otherwise ignore them. Setting a file is

          Fast fail, stop processing at the first invalid sequence record. Default behavior is to
          continue and report failed/skipped records at the end.

          Hide the progress bar.

  -t, --threads <THREADS>
          Number of threads to use while processing chunks concurrently.
          [default: 4]

  -n, --num-reads <NUM_READS>
          Sample approximately this many reads when estimating the filtering threshold. If
          alignments are present reads will be sampled evenly across aligned genome. If a region is
          specified, either with the --region option or the --sample-region option, then reads will
          be sampled evenly across the region given. This option is useful for large BAM files. In
          practice, 10-50 thousand reads is sufficient to estimate the model output distribution and
          determine the filtering threshold.
          [default: 10042]

  -f, --sampling-frac <SAMPLING_FRAC>
          Sample this fraction of the reads when estimating the filter-percentile. In practice,
          50-100 thousand reads is sufficient to estimate the model output distribution and
          determine the filtering threshold. See for details on filtering.

      --seed <SEED>
          Set a random seed for deterministic running, the default is non-deterministic, only used
          when no BAM index is provided.

      --sample-region <SAMPLE_REGION>
          Specify a region for sampling reads from when estimating the threshold probability. If
          this option is not provided, but --region is provided, the genomic interval passed to
          --region will be used. Format should be <chrom_name>:<start>-<end> or <chrom_name>.

      --sampling-interval-size <SAMPLING_INTERVAL_SIZE>
          Interval chunk size to process concurrently when estimating the threshold probability, can
          be larger than the pileup processing interval.
          [default: 1000000]

  -p, --filter-percentile <FILTER_PERCENTILE>
          Filter out modified base calls where the probability of the predicted variant is below
          this confidence percentile. For example, 0.1 will filter out the 10% lowest confidence
          modification calls.
          [default: 0.1]

      --filter-threshold <FILTER_THRESHOLD>
          Specify the filter threshold globally or per primary base. A global filter threshold can
          be specified with by a decimal number (e.g. 0.75). Per-base thresholds can be specified by
          colon-separated values, for example C:0.75 specifies a threshold value of 0.75 for
          cytosine modification calls. Additional per-base thresholds can be specified by repeating
          the option: for example --filter-threshold C:0.75 --filter-threshold A:0.70 or specify a
          single base option and a default for all other bases with: --filter-threshold A:0.70
          --filter-threshold 0.9 will specify a threshold value of 0.70 for adenine and 0.9 for all
          other base modification calls.

      --mod-threshold <MOD_THRESHOLDS>
          Specify a passing threshold to use for a base modification, independent of the threshold
          for the primary sequence base or the default. For example, to set the pass threshold for
          5hmC to 0.8 use `--mod-threshold h:0.8`. The pass threshold will still be estimated as
          usual and used for canonical cytosine and other modifications unless the
          `--filter-threshold` option is also passed. See the online documentation for more details.

          Don't filter base modification calls, assign each base modification to the highest
          probability prediction.

      --edge-filter <EDGE_FILTER>
          Discard base modification calls that are this many bases from the start or the end of the
          read. Two comma-separated values may be provided to asymmetrically filter out base
          modification calls from the start and end of the reads. For example, 4,8 will filter out
          base modification calls in the first 4 and last 8 bases of the read.

          Invert the edge filter, instead of filtering out base modification calls at the ends of
          reads, only _keep_ base modification calls at the ends of reads. E.g. if usually, "4,8"
          would remove (i.e. filter out) base modification calls in the first 4 and last 8 bases of
          the read, using this flag will keep only base modification calls in the first 4 and last 8

          Output SAM format instead of BAM.

  -h, --help
          Print help information (use `-h` for a summary).


Extract read-level base modification information from a modBAM into a tab-separated values table.

Usage: modkit extract [OPTIONS] <IN_BAM> <OUT_PATH>

          Path to modBAM file to extract read-level information from, or one of `-` or `stdin` to
          specify a stream from standard input. If a file is used it may be sorted and have
          associated index.

          Path to output file, "stdout" or "-" will direct output to standard out. Specifying "null"
          will not output the extract table (useful if all you need is the `--read-calls` output

  -t, --threads <THREADS>
          Number of threads to use.
          [default: 4]

      --log-filepath <LOG_FILEPATH>
          Path to file to write run log, setting this file is recommended.

          Include only mapped bases in output. (alias: mapped)

          Output aligned secondary and supplementary base modification probabilities as additional
          rows. The primary alignment will have all of the base modification probabilities
          (including soft-clipped ones, unless --mapped-only is used). The non-primary alignments
          will only have mapped bases in the output.

      --num-reads <NUM_READS>
          Number of reads to use. Note that when using a sorted, indexed modBAM that the sampling
          algorithm will attempt to sample records evenly over the length of the reference sequence.
          The result is the final number of records used may be slightly more or less than the
          requested number. When piping from stdin or using a modBAM without an index, the requested
          number of reads will be exact.

      --region <REGION>
          Process only reads that are aligned to a specified region of the BAM. Format should be
          <chrom_name>:<start>-<end> or <chrom_name>.

          Force overwrite of output file.

          Hide the progress bar.

      --kmer-size <KMER_SIZE>
          Set the query and reference k-mer size (if a reference is provided). Maximum number for
          this value is 50.
          [default: 5]

          Ignore the BAM index (if it exists) and default to a serial scan of the BAM.

      --read-calls-path <READ_CALLS_PATH>
          Produce a table of read-level base modification calls. This table has, for each read, one
          row for each base modification call in that read using the same thresholding algorithm as
          in pileup, or summary (see online documentation for details on thresholds). Passing this
          option will cause `modkit` to estimate the pass thresholds from the data unless a
          `--filter-threshold` value is passed to the command. (alias: --read-calls)

      --reference <REFERENCE>
          Path to reference FASTA to extract reference context information from. If no reference is
          provided, `ref_kmer` column will be "." in the output. (alias: ref)

      --include-bed <INCLUDE_BED>
          BED file with regions to include (alias: include-positions). Implicitly only includes
          mapped sites

  -v, --exclude-bed <EXCLUDE_BED>
          BED file with regions to _exclude_ (alias: exclude).

      --motif <MOTIF> <MOTIF>
          Output read-level base modification probabilities restricted to the reference sequence
          motifs provided. The first argument should be the sequence motif and the second argument
          is the 0-based offset to the base to pileup base modification counts for. For example:
          --motif CGCG 0 indicates include base modifications for which the read is aligned to the
          first C on the top strand and the last C (complement to G) on the bottom strand. The --cpg
          argument is short hand for --motif CG 0. This argument can be passed multiple times.

          Only output counts at CpG motifs. Requires a reference sequence to be provided.

  -k, --mask
          When using motifs, respect soft masking in the reference sequence.

      --filter-threshold <FILTER_THRESHOLD>
          Specify the filter threshold globally or per-base. Global filter threshold can be
          specified with by a decimal number (e.g. 0.75). Per-base thresholds can be specified by
          colon-separated values, for example C:0.75 specifies a threshold value of 0.75 for
          cytosine modification calls. Additional per-base thresholds can be specified by repeating
          the option: for example --filter-threshold C:0.75 --filter-threshold A:0.70 or specify a
          single base option and a default for all other bases with: --filter-threshold A:0.70
          --filter-threshold 0.9 will specify a threshold value of 0.70 for adenine and 0.9 for all
          other base modification calls.

      --mod-thresholds <MOD_THRESHOLDS>
          Specify a passing threshold to use for a base modification, independent of the threshold
          for the primary sequence base or the default. For example, to set the pass threshold for
          5hmC to 0.8 use `--mod-threshold h:0.8`. The pass threshold will still be estimated as
          usual and used for canonical cytosine and other modifications unless the
          `--filter-threshold` option is also passed. See the online documentation for more details.

          Do not perform any filtering, include all mod base calls in output. See for
          details on filtering.

      --sampling-interval-size <SAMPLING_INTERVAL_SIZE>
          Interval chunk size in base pairs to process concurrently when estimating the threshold
          [default: 1000000]

  -f, --sampling-frac <SAMPLING_FRAC>
          Sample this fraction of the reads when estimating the pass-threshold. In practice, 10-100
          thousand reads is sufficient to estimate the model output distribution and determine the
          filtering threshold. See for details on filtering.

  -n, --sample-num-reads <SAMPLE_NUM_READS>
          Sample this many reads when estimating the filtering threshold. If a sorted, indexed
          modBAM is provided reads will be sampled evenly across aligned genome. If a region is
          specified, with the --region, then reads will be sampled evenly across the region given.
          This option is useful for large BAM files. In practice, 10-50 thousand reads is sufficient
          to estimate the model output distribution and determine the filtering threshold.
          [default: 10042]

      --seed <SEED>
          Set a random seed for deterministic running, the default is non-deterministic.

  -p, --filter-percentile <FILTER_PERCENTILE>
          Filter out modified base calls where the probability of the predicted variant is below
          this confidence percentile. For example, 0.1 will filter out the 10% lowest confidence
          modification calls.
          [default: 0.1]

      --edge-filter <EDGE_FILTER>
          Discard base modification calls that are this many bases from the start or the end of the
          read. Two comma-separated values may be provided to asymmetrically filter out base
          modification calls from the start and end of the reads. For example, 4,8 will filter out
          base modification calls in the first 4 and last 8 bases of the read.

          Invert the edge filter, instead of filtering out base modification calls at the ends of
          reads, only _keep_ base modification calls at the ends of reads. E.g. if usually, "4,8"
          would remove (i.e. filter out) base modification calls in the first 4 and last 8 bases of
          the read, using this flag will keep only base modification calls in the first 4 and last 8

      --ignore <IGNORE>
          Ignore a modified base class  _in_situ_ by redistributing base modification probability
          equally across other options. For example, if collapsing 'h', with 'm' and canonical
          options, half of the probability of 'h' will be added to both 'm' and 'C'. A full
          description of the methods can be found in

  -i, --interval-size <INTERVAL_SIZE>
          Interval chunk size in base pairs to process concurrently. Smaller interval chunk sizes
          will use less memory but incur more overhead. Only used when an indexed modBam is provided.
          [default: 100000]

          Ignore implicitly canonical base modification calls. When the `.` flag is used in the MM
          tag, this implies that bases missing a base modification probability are to be assumed
          canonical. Set this flag to omit those base modifications from the output. For additional
          details see the SAM spec:

  -h, --help
          Print help information (use `-h` for a summary).


Repair MM and ML tags in one bam with the correct tags from another. To use this command, both
modBAMs _must_ be sorted by read name. The "donor" modBAM's reads must be a superset of the
acceptor's reads. Extra reads in the donor are allowed, and multiple reads with the same name
(secondary, etc.) are allowed in the acceptor. Reads with an empty SEQ field cannot be repaired and
will be rejected. Reads where there is an ambiguous alignment of the acceptor to the donor will be
rejected (and logged). See the full documentation for details.

Usage: modkit repair [OPTIONS] --donor-bam <DONOR_BAM> --acceptor-bam <ACCEPTOR_BAM> --output-bam <OUTPUT_BAM>

  -d, --donor-bam <DONOR_BAM>        Donor modBAM with original MM/ML tags. Must be sorted by read
  -a, --acceptor-bam <ACCEPTOR_BAM>  Acceptor modBAM with reads to have MM/ML base modification data
                                     projected on to. Must be sorted by read name.
  -o, --output-bam <OUTPUT_BAM>      output modBAM location.
      --log-filepath <LOG_FILEPATH>  File to write logs to, it is recommended to use this option as
                                     some reads may be rejected and logged here
  -t, --threads <THREADS>            The number of threads to use [default: 4]
  -h, --help                         Print help information.


Validate results from a set of mod-BAM files and associated BED files containing the ground truth
modified base status at reference positions.

Usage: modkit validate [OPTIONS]

      --bam-and-bed <BAM> <BED>
          Argument accepts 2 values. The first value is the BAM file path with modified base tags.
          The second is a bed file with ground truth reference positions. The name field in the
          ground truth bed file should be the short name (single letter code or ChEBI ID) for a
          modified base or the corresponding canonical base. This argument can be provided more than
          once for multiple samples.

      --ignore <IGNORE>
          Ignore a modified base class  _in_situ_ by redistributing base modification probability
          equally across other options. For example, if collapsing 'h', with 'm' and canonical
          options, half of the probability of 'h' will be added to both 'm' and 'C'. A full
          description of the methods can be found in

      --edge-filter <EDGE_FILTER>
          Discard base modification calls that are this many bases from the start or the end of the
          read. Two comma-separated values may be provided to asymmetrically filter out base
          modification calls from the start and end of the reads. For example, 4,8 will filter out
          base modification calls in the first 4 and last 8 bases of the read.

          Invert the edge filter, instead of filtering out base modification calls at the ends of
          reads, only _keep_ base modification calls at the ends of reads. E.g. if usually, "4,8"
          would remove (i.e. filter out) base modification calls in the first 4 and last 8 bases of
          the read, using this flag will keep only base modification calls in the first 4 and last 8

  -c, --canonical-base <CANONICAL_BASE>
          Canonical base to evaluate. By default, this will be derived from mod codes in ground
          truth BED files. For ground truth with only canonical sites and/or ChEBI codes this values
          must be set.
          [possible values: A, C, G, T]

      --min-identity <MIN_ALIGNMENT_IDENTITY>
          Only use reads with alignment identity >= this number, in Q-space (phred score).

      --min-length <MIN_ALIGNMENT_LENGTH>
          Remove reads with fewer aligned reference bases than this threshold.

  -q, --filter-quantile <FILTER_QUANTILE>
          Filter out modified base calls where the probability of the predicted variant is below
          this confidence percentile. For example, 0.1 will filter out the 10% lowest confidence
          modification calls.
          [default: 0.1]

  -t, --threads <THREADS>
          Number of threads to use.
          [default: 4]

          Hide the progress bar.

  -o, --out-filepath <OUT_FILEPATH>
          Specify a file for machine parseable output.

      --log-filepath <LOG_FILEPATH>
          Specify a file for debug logs to be written to, otherwise ignore them. Setting a file is
          recommended. (alias: log)

  -h, --help
          Print help information (use `-h` for a summary).


Tabulates double-stranded base modification patters (such as hemi-methylation) across genomic motif
positions. This command produces a bedMethyl file, the schema can be found in the online

Usage: modkit pileup-hemi [OPTIONS] <IN_BAM>

          Input BAM, should be sorted and have associated index available.

  -o, --out-bed <OUT_BED>
          Output file to write results into. Will write to stdout if not provided.

          Aggregate double-stranded base modifications for CpG dinucleotides. This flag is
          short-hand for --motif CG 0.

      --motif <MOTIF> <MOTIF>
          Specify the sequence motif to pileup double-stranded base modification pattern counts for.
          The first argument should be the sequence motif and the second argument is the 0-based
          offset to the base to pileup base modification counts for. For example: --motif CG 0
          indicates to generate pattern counts for the C on the top strand and the following C
          (opposite to G) on the negative strand. The motif must be reverse-complement palindromic
          or an error will be raised. See the documentation for more examples and details.

  -r, --ref <REFERENCE_FASTA>
          Reference sequence in FASTA format.

      --log-filepath <LOG_FILEPATH>
          Specify a file for debug logs to be written to, otherwise ignore them. Setting a file is
          recommended. (alias: log)

      --region <REGION>
          Process only the specified region of the BAM when performing pileup. Format should be
          <chrom_name>:<start>-<end> or <chrom_name>. Commas are allowed.

      --max-depth <MAX_DEPTH>
          Maximum number of records to use when calculating pileup. This argument is passed to the
          pileup engine. If you have high depth data, consider increasing this value substantially.
          Must be less than 2147483647 or an error will be raised.
          [default: 8000]

  -t, --threads <THREADS>
          Number of threads to use while processing chunks concurrently.
          [default: 4]

  -i, --interval-size <INTERVAL_SIZE>
          Interval chunk size in base pairs to process concurrently. Smaller interval chunk sizes
          will use less memory but incur more overhead.
          [default: 100000]

      --chunk-size <CHUNK_SIZE>
          Break contigs into chunks containing this many intervals (see `interval_size`). This
          option can be used to help prevent excessive memory usage, usually with no performance
          penalty. By default, modkit will set this value to 1.5x the number of threads specified,
          so if 4 threads are specified the chunk_size will be 6. A warning will be shown if this
          option is less than the number of threads specified.

          Hide the progress bar.

  -n, --num-reads <NUM_READS>
          Sample this many reads when estimating the filtering threshold. Reads will be sampled
          evenly across aligned genome. If a region is specified, either with the --region option or
          the --sample-region option, then reads will be sampled evenly across the region given.
          This option is useful for large BAM files. In practice, 10-50 thousand reads is sufficient
          to estimate the model output distribution and determine the filtering threshold.
          [default: 10042]

  -f, --sampling-frac <SAMPLING_FRAC>
          Sample this fraction of the reads when estimating the filter-percentile. In practice,
          50-100 thousand reads is sufficient to estimate the model output distribution and
          determine the filtering threshold. See for details on filtering.

      --seed <SEED>
          Set a random seed for deterministic running, the default is non-deterministic.

          Do not perform any filtering, include all mod base calls in output. See for
          details on filtering.

  -p, --filter-percentile <FILTER_PERCENTILE>
          Filter out modified base calls where the probability of the predicted variant is below
          this confidence percentile. For example, 0.1 will filter out the 10% lowest confidence
          modification calls.
          [default: 0.1]

      --filter-threshold <FILTER_THRESHOLD>
          Specify the filter threshold globally or per-base. Global filter threshold can be
          specified with by a decimal number (e.g. 0.75). Per-base thresholds can be specified by
          colon-separated values, for example C:0.75 specifies a threshold value of 0.75 for
          cytosine modification calls. Additional per-base thresholds can be specified by repeating
          the option: for example --filter-threshold C:0.75 --filter-threshold A:0.70 or specify a
          single base option and a default for all other bases with: --filter-threshold A:0.70
          --filter-threshold 0.9 will specify a threshold value of 0.70 for adenine and 0.9 for all
          other base modification calls.

      --mod-thresholds <MOD_THRESHOLDS>
          Specify a passing threshold to use for a base modification, independent of the threshold
          for the primary sequence base or the default. For example, to set the pass threshold for
          5hmC to 0.8 use `--mod-threshold h:0.8`. The pass threshold will still be estimated as
          usual and used for canonical cytosine and other modifications unless the
          `--filter-threshold` option is also passed. See the online documentation for more details.

      --sample-region <SAMPLE_REGION>
          Specify a region for sampling reads from when estimating the threshold probability. If
          this option is not provided, but --region is provided, the genomic interval passed to
          --region will be used. Format should be <chrom_name>:<start>-<end> or <chrom_name>.

      --sampling-interval-size <SAMPLING_INTERVAL_SIZE>
          Interval chunk size in base pairs to process concurrently when estimating the threshold
          probability, can be larger than the pileup processing interval.
          [default: 1000000]

      --include-bed <INCLUDE_BED>
          BED file that will restrict threshold estimation and pileup results to positions
          overlapping intervals in the file. (alias: include-positions)

          Include unmapped base modifications when estimating the pass threshold.

      --ignore <IGNORE>
          Ignore a modified base class  _in_situ_ by redistributing base modification probability
          equally across other options. For example, if collapsing 'h', with 'm' and canonical
          options, half of the probability of 'h' will be added to both 'm' and 'C'. A full
          description of the methods can be found in

          Force allow implicit-canonical mode. By default modkit does not allow pileup with the
          implicit mode (e.g. C+m, no '.' or '?'). The `update-tags` subcommand is provided to
          update tags to the new mode. This option allows the interpretation of implicit mode tags:
          residues without modified base probability will be interpreted as being the non-modified

  -k, --mask
          Respect soft masking in the reference FASTA.

          Combine base modification calls, all counts of modified bases are summed together. See
 for details.

      --edge-filter <EDGE_FILTER>
          Discard base modification calls that are this many bases from the start or the end of the
          read. Two comma-separated values may be provided to asymmetrically filter out base
          modification calls from the start and end of the reads. For example, 4,8 will filter out
          base modification calls in the first 4 and last 8 bases of the read.

          Invert the edge filter, instead of filtering out base modification calls at the ends of
          reads, only _keep_ base modification calls at the ends of reads. E.g. if usually, "4,8"
          would remove (i.e. filter out) base modification calls in the first 4 and last 8 bases of
          the read, using this flag will keep only base modification calls in the first 4 and last 8

          Separate bedMethyl columns with only tabs. The default is to use tabs for the first 10
          fields and spaces thereafter. The default behavior is more likely to be compatible with
          genome viewers. Enabling this option may make it easier to parse the output with tabular
          data handlers that expect a single kind of separator.

  -h, --help
          Print help information (use `-h` for a summary).

dmr pair

Compare regions in a pair of samples (for example, tumor and normal or control and experiment). A
sample is input as a bgzip pileup bedMethyl (produced by pileup, for example) that has an associated
tabix index. Output is a BED file with the score column indicating the magnitude of the difference
in methylation between the two samples. See the online documentation for additional details.

Usage: modkit dmr pair [OPTIONS] -a <CONTROL_BED_METHYL> -b <EXP_BED_METHYL> --ref <REFERENCE_FASTA>

          Bgzipped bedMethyl file for the first (usually control) sample. There should be a tabix
          index with the same name and .tbi next to this file or the --index-a option must be

          Bgzipped bedMethyl file for the second (usually experimental) sample. There should be a
          tabix index with the same name and .tbi next to this file or the --index-b option must be

  -o, --out-path <OUT_PATH>
          Path to file to direct output, optional, no argument will direct output to stdout

          Include header in output.

  -r, --regions-bed <REGIONS_BED>
          BED file of regions over which to compare methylation levels. Should be tab-separated
          (spaces allowed in the "name" column). Requires chrom, chromStart and chromEnd. The Name
          column is optional. Strand is currently ignored. When omitted, methylation levels are
          compared at each site.

      --ref <REFERENCE_FASTA>
          Path to reference fasta for used in the pileup/alignment.

          Bases to use to calculate DMR, may be multiple. For example, to calculate differentially
          methylated regions using only cytosine modifications use --base C.
      --log-filepath <LOG_FILEPATH>
          File to write logs to, it's recommended to use this option.

  -t, --threads <THREADS>
          Number of threads to use.
          [default: 4]

      --batch-size <BATCH_SIZE>
          Control the  batch size. The batch size is the number of regions to load at a time. Each
          region will be processed concurrently. Loading more regions at a time will decrease IO to
          load data, but will use more memory. Default will be 50% more than the number of threads

  -k, --mask
          Respect soft masking in the reference FASTA.

          Don't show progress bars.

  -f, --force
          Force overwrite of output file, if it already exists.

      --index-a <INDEX_A>
          Path to tabix index associated with -a (--control-bed-methyl) bedMethyl file.

      --index-b <INDEX_B>
          Path to tabix index associated with -b (--exp-bed-methyl) bedMethyl file.

      --missing <HANDLE_MISSING>
          How to handle regions found in the `--regions` BED file. quiet => ignore regions that are
          not found in the tabix header warn => log (debug) regions that are missing fatal => log
          (error) and exit the program when a region is missing.
          [default: warn]
          [possible values: quiet, warn, fail]

      --min-valid-coverage <MIN_VALID_COVERAGE>
          Minimum valid coverage required to use an entry from a bedMethyl. See the help for pileup
          for the specification and description of valid coverage.
          [default: 0]

      --prior <PRIOR> <PRIOR>
          Prior distribution for estimating MAP-based p-value. Should be two arguments for alpha and
          beta (e.g. 1.0 1.0). See `` for additional details on how the metric
          is calculated.

      --delta <DELTA>
          Consider only effect sizes greater than this when calculating the MAP-based p-value.
          [default: 0.05]

  -N, --n-sample-records <N_SAMPLE_RECORDS>
          Sample this many reads when estimating the max coverage thresholds.
          [default: 10042]

      --max-coverages <MAX_COVERAGES> <MAX_COVERAGES>
          Max coverages to enforce when calculating estimated MAP-based p-value.

          When using replicates, cap coverage to be equal to the maximum coverage for a single
          sample. For example, if there are 3 replicates with max_coverage of 30, the total coverage
          would normally be 90. Using --cap-coverages will down sample the data to 30X.

  -i, --interval-size <INTERVAL_SIZE>
          Interval chunk size in base pairs to process concurrently. Smaller interval chunk sizes
          will use less memory but incur more overhead.
          [default: 100000]

  -h, --help
          Print help information (use `-h` for a summary).

dmr multi

Compare regions between all pairs of samples (for example a trio sample set or haplotyped trio
sample set). As with `pair` all inputs must be bgzip compressed bedMethyl files with associated
tabix indices. Each sample must be assigned a name. Output is a directory of BED files with the
score column indicating the magnitude of the difference in methylation between the two samples
indicated in the file name. See the online documentation for additional details

Usage: modkit dmr multi [OPTIONS] --regions-bed <REGIONS_BED> --out-dir <OUT_DIR> --ref <REFERENCE_FASTA>

  -s, --sample <SAMPLES> <SAMPLES>
          Two or more named samples to compare. Two arguments are required <path> <name>. This
          option should be repeated at least two times.
  -i, --index <INDICES> <INDICES>
          Optional, paths to tabix indices associated with named samples. Two arguments are required
          <path> <name> where <name> corresponds to the name of the sample given to the -s/--sample
  -r, --regions-bed <REGIONS_BED>
          BED file of regions over which to compare methylation levels. Should be tab-separated
          (spaces allowed in the "name" column). Requires chrom, chromStart and chromEnd. The Name
          column is optional. Strand is currently ignored.
          Include header in output.
  -o, --out-dir <OUT_DIR>
          Directory to place output DMR results in BED format.
  -p, --prefix <PREFIX>
          Prefix files in directory with this label.
      --ref <REFERENCE_FASTA>
          Path to reference fasta for the pileup.
          Bases to use to calculate DMR, may be multiple. For example, to calculate differentially
          methylated regions using only cytosine modifications use --base C.
      --log-filepath <LOG_FILEPATH>
          File to write logs to, it's recommended to use this option.
  -t, --threads <THREADS>
          Number of threads to use. [default: 4]
  -k, --mask
          Respect soft masking in the reference FASTA.
          Don't show progress bars.
  -f, --force
          Force overwrite of output file, if it already exists.
      --missing <HANDLE_MISSING>
          How to handle regions found in the `--regions` BED file. quiet => ignore regions that are
          not found in the tabix header warn => log (debug) regions that are missing fatal => log
          (error) and exit the program when a region is missing. [default: warn] [possible values:
          quiet, warn, fail]
      --min-valid-coverage <MIN_VALID_COVERAGE>
          Minimum valid coverage required to use an entry from a bedMethyl. See the help for pileup
          for the specification and description of valid coverage. [default: 0]
  -h, --help
          Print help information.


It's recommended to run all modkit commands with the --log-filepath <path-to-file> option set. When unexpected outputs are produced inspecting this file will often indicate the reason.

Missing secondary and supplementary alignments in output

As of v0.2.4 secondary and supplementary alignments are supported in adjust-mods, update-tags, call-mods, and (optionally) in extract. However, in order to use these alignment records correctly, the MN tag must be present and correct in the record. The MN tag indicates the length of the sequence corresponding to the MM and ML tags. As of dorado v0.5.0 the MN tag is output when modified base calls are produced. If the aligner has hard-clipped the sequence, this number will not match the sequence length and the record cannot be used. Similarly, if the SEQ field is empty (sequence length zero), the record cannot be used. One way to use supplementary alignments is to specify the -Y flag when using dorado or minimap2. For these programs, when -Y is specified, the sequence will not be hardclipped in supplementary alignments and will be present in secondary alignments. Other mapping algorithms that are "MM tag-aware" may allow hard-clipping and update the MM and ML tags, modkit will accept these records as long as the MN tag indicates the correct sequence length.

No rows in modkit pileup output.

First, check the logfile, there may be many lines with a variant of

record 905b4cb4-15e2-4060-9c98-866d0aff78bb has un-allowed mode
(ImplicitProbModified), use '--force-allow-implicit' or 'modkit update-tags --mode

As suggested, using update or setting the --force-allow-implicit flag should produce output from these records.

If the MM tag contains an un-supported mod-code (a limitation that will be removed in a future release), these errors will be logged. To process the modBAM, first convert the tags.

In general, if there are MM/ML tags in the modBAM and the bedMethyl is still empty the log file will contain a line explaining why each record is being skipped.

Not sampling enough reads to estimate threshold.

If you have previously downsampled the modBAM to a specific region, for example with a command like

samtools view -bh input.sorted.bam chr1

modkit will still try and sample reads evenly across the entire genome but fail to find any aligned to other contigs. To remedy this, either pass the same --region chr1 option or set the --sampling-frac 1.0. The former will set modkit to only use the region present in the BAM. For example,

modkit pileup input.bam output.bed --region chr1
# or
modkit pileup input.bam output.bed --sample-region chr1

The latter will sample all of the reads in the BAM, which may slow down the process, so in general the best advice is to either use the same --region <contig> when using modkit or don't downsample the BAM ahead of time (and use --region <contig> in order to get the desired bedMethyl).

The summary, sample-probs, and pileup subcommands all use the same --region option.

CG positions are missing from output bedMethyl.

When running with --preset traditional or --cpg the resultant bedMethyl file will only contains CG positions. However, it will not include positions for which the pass coverage is zero (see the column descriptions). This is to be expected.

Current limitations

Known limitations and forecasts for when they will be removed.

  1. Ambiguous DNA bases in ML tags are not supported (for example N+m?).
    • This limitation will be removed in version 0.2.z
  2. During modkit pileup, it is assumed that each read should only have one primary alignment. If a read name is detected more than once, the occurrence is logged but both alignments will be used. This limitation may be removed in the future with a form of dynamic de-duplication.
  3. Only one MM-flag (., ?) per-canonical base is supported within a read.
    • This limitation may be removed in the future.
  4. The MAP-based p-value metric (details) performs a test that there is a difference in modification (of any kind) between two conditions. If a position has multiple base modification calls (such as 5hmC and 5mC) the calls are summed together into a single "modified" count. If a position differs only in the modification type (such as one condition has more 5hmC and the other has more 5mC) this effect will not be captured in the MAP-based p-value. The likelihood ratio test does capture changes in modification type.
  5. The MAP-based p-value is not available when performing DMR on regions. This is because there is potentially large variability in the number of modified bases and coverage over regions. This variability translates into varying degrees of statistical power and makes comparisons difficult to interpret.

Performance considerations

Sharding a large modBAM by region.

The --region option in pileup, summary, and sample-probs can be used to operate on a subset of records in a large BAM. If you're working in a distributed environment, the genome could be sharded into large sections which are specified to modkit in concurrent processes and merged afterward in a "map-reduce" pattern.

Setting the --interval-size and --chunk-size (pileup).

Whenever operating on a sorted, indexed BAM, modkit will operate in parallel on disjoint spans of the genome. The length of these spans (i.e. intervals) can be determined by the --interval-size or the --sampling-interval-size (for the sampling algorithm only). The defaults for these parameters works well for genomes such as the human genome. For smaller genomes with high coverage, you may decide to decrease the interval size in order to take advantage of parallelism. The pileup subcommand also has a --chunk-size option that will limit the total number of intervals computed on in parallel. By default, modkit will set this parameter to be 50% larger than the number of threads. In general, this is a good setting for balancing parallelism and memory usage. Increasing the --chunk-size can increase parallelism (and decrease run time) but will consume more memory.

Memory usage in modkit extract.

Transforming reads into a table with modkit extract can produce large files (especially with long reads). Before the data can be written to disk, however, it is enqueued in memory and can potentially create a large memory burden. There are a few ways to decrease the amount of memory modkit extract will use in these cases:

  1. Lower the --queue-size, this decreased the number of batches that will be held in flight.
  2. Use --ignore-index this will force modkit extract to run a serial scan of the mod-BAM.
  3. Decrease the --interval-size, this will decrease the size of the batches.

Algorithm details

Partitioning pass and fail base modification calls.

Base modification calls can be removed if they are low confidence based on the predicted modification probabilities. In general, modkit will estimate a pass confidence threshold value based on the input data. Threshold values for modifications on a primary sequence base can be specified on the command line with the --filter-threshold option. For example to set a threshold for cytosine modifications at 0.8 and adenine modifications at 0.9 provide --filter-threshold C:0.8 --filter-threshold A:0.9. Pass threshold values per base modification can also be specified. For example, to specify a threshold for canonical adenine at 0.8 and 6mA at 0.9 use --filter-threshold A:0.8 --mod-thresholds a:0.9. Or to specify a threshold of 0.8 for 5mC, 0.9 for 5hmC, and 0.85 for canonical cytosine: --filter-threshold C:0.85 --mod-thresholds m:0.8 --mod-thresholds h:0.9

Keep in mind that the --mod-threshold option will treat A, C, G, and T and "any-mod" as per the specification.

Further details

  1. Examples of how thresholds affect base modification calls.
  2. Numerical details of how thresholds are calculated on the fly.

Examples of how thresholds affect base modification calls

The following examples are meant to demonstrate how individual base modification calls will be made during pileup or call-mods. Important to remember that the probability of the modification needs to be >= the pass threshold value.

Two-way base modification calls

probability of canonical cytosine: p_C
probability of 5mC: p_m
threshold for all cytosine base modifications: threshold_C 

{p_C: 0.25, p_m: 0.75}, threshold_C: 0.7 => call: 5mC (m), most likely.
{p_C: 0.25, p_m: 0.75}, threshold_C: 0.8 => call: Fail, both probabilities are below threshold.

Three-way base modification calls

probability of canonical cytosine: p_C
probability of 5mC: p_m
probability of 5hmC: p_h
threshold for all cytosine base modifications: threshold_C 

{p_C: 0.05, p_m: 0.7, p_h: 0.25}, threshold_C: 0.7 => call: 5mC (m), most likely.
{p_C: 0.15, p_m: 0.6, p_h: 0.25}, threshold_C: 0.7 => Fail, all below threshold.

Three-way base modification calls with modification-specific thresholds

probability of canonical cytosine: p_C
probability of 5mC: p_m
probability of 5hmC: p_h
threshold for all canonical cytosine: mod_threshold_C 
threshold for all 5mC: mod_threshold_m 
threshold for all 5hmC: mod_threshold_h 

command line: --filter-threshold C:0.7 --mod-threshold m:0.8 --mod-threshold h:0.9

filter_threshold C: 0.7
mod_threshold_m: 0.8
mod_threshold_h: 0.9
{p_C: 0.05, p_m: 0.85, p_h: 0.1} => call: 5mC (m) most likely

filter_threshold C: 0.7
mod_threshold_m: 0.8
mod_threshold_h: 0.9
{p_C: 0.75, p_m: 0.05, p_h: 0.2} => call: C (canonical) most likely
{p_C: 0.05, p_m: 0.75, p_h: 0.2} => Fail, all below respective thresholds
{p_C: 0.1, p_m: 0.05, p_h: 0.85} => Fail, all below respective thresholds

Filtering base modification calls.

Modified base calls are qualitied with a probability that is contained in the ML tag (see the specification). We calculate the confidence that the model has in the base modification prediction as \(\mathcal{q} = argmax(\textbf{P})\) where \(\textbf{P}\) is the vector of probabilities for each modification. For example, given a model that can classify canonical cytosine, 5mC, and 5hmC, \(\textbf{P}\) is \([P_{C}, P_m, P_h]\), and \(\mathcal{q}\) will be \(\mathcal{q} = argmax(P_{C}, P_m, P_h)\), the maximum of the three probabilities. Filtering in modkit is performed by first determining the value of \(\mathcal{q}\) for the lowest n-th percentile of calls (10th percentile by default). The threshold value is typically an estimate because the base modification probabilities are sampled from a subset of the reads. All calls can be used to calculate the exact value, but in practice the approximation gives the same value. Base modification calls with a confidence value less than this number will not be counted. Determination of the threshold value can be performed on the fly (by sampling) or the threshold value can be specified on the command line with the --filter_threshold flag. The sample-probs command can be used to quickly estimate the value of \(\mathcal{q}\) at various percentiles.

A note on the "probability of modification" (.) MM flag.

The . flag (e.g. C+m.) indicates that primary sequence bases without base modification calls can be inferred to be canonical (SAM tags). Some base modification callers, for example dorado have a default threshold, below which a base modification probability will be omitted (meaning it will be inferred to be a canonical/unmodified base). In general, omitting the base modification probabilities when they are very confidently canonical will not change the results from modkit. However, since the base modification probabilities are effectively changed to 100% canonical, can affect the estimation of the pass threshold.

DMR model and scoring details

Likelihood ratio scoring details

The aim of modkit dmr is to enable exploratory data analysis of methylation patterns. To that aim, the approach to scoring methylation differences is intended to be simple and interpretable. For every region provided, within a sample, we model each potentially methylated base as arising from the same distribution. In other words, we discard the relative ordering of the base modification calls within a region. We then define a model for the frequency of observing each base modification state. In the case of methylated versus unmodified (5mC vs C, or 6mA vs A), we use the binomial distribution and model the probability of methylation \(p\) as a beta-distributed random variable:

\[ \mathbf{X}|p \sim \text{Bin}(n, p) \] \[ p \sim \text{Beta}(\alpha, \beta) \]

where \(n\) is the number of potentially methylated bases reported on in the region and \(\mathbf{X}\) is the vector of counts (canonical and methylated).

In the case where there are more than two states (for example, 5hmC, 5mC, and unmodified C) we use a multinomial distribution and a Dirichlet as the base distribution: \[ \mathbf{X}|\pi \sim \text{Mult}(n, \pi) \]

\[ \pi \sim \text{Dir}(\alpha) \]

Let \(\theta\) be the parameters describing the posterior distribution ( \( \alpha, \beta \) for the binary case, and \(\alpha \) in the general case). The score reported is the result of the following log marginal likelihood ratio :

\[ \text{score} = \text{log}(\frac{l_{\theta_{a}}( \mathbf{X_a} ) l_{\theta_{b}} ( \mathbf{X_b} )}{l_{\theta_{a+b}} (\mathbf{X_{a+b}} )}) \]

Where \(\theta_a\) and \(\theta_b\) are the posterior distributions with the two conditions modeled separately, and \(\theta_{a+b}\) is the posterior when the two conditions are modeled together. The function \(l_{\theta}(\mathbf{X}) \) is the log marginal likelihood of the counts under the parameters of the model \(\theta\). For all cases, we use Jeffrey's prior as the prior distribution.

MAP-based p-value

This metric models the effect size (i.e. the difference) in base modification (of any kind) between two conditions. For example, if one condition has 8 of 10 reads reporting modification, 80%, and the other condition has 2 of 10, 20%, then the effect size 0.6 or 60%. This metric only captures changes in modified versus unmodified bases, in other words, changes in modification type will not be captured by this metric. See the limitations for details. The DMR module in modkit uses Bernoulli trials (modified/not-modified) and a prior to calculate a posterior distribution over \(p\), the true probability that the site is modified. The posterior distribution over \(p\) given some observations, \(X\), is \(P(p | X)\), is a Beta distribution. Where \(X\) is the observations (\(N_{\text{mod}}\) and \(N_{\text{canonical}}\)), the number of reads calling a modified base and a canonical base, respectively.

\[ P(p | X) = \text{Beta}(\alpha_0 + N_{\text{mod}}, \beta_0 + N_{\text{can}}) \] Where \(\alpha_0\) and \(\beta_0\) are the parameters for the prior distribution \(\text{Beta}(\alpha_0, \beta_0)\). The advantage to this model is that as you collect more coverage, the variance of the posterior gets smaller - you're more confident that the true value of \(p\) is near the empirical mean. But when you have low coverage, you keep the uncertainty around.

More formally, let \(\textbf{X}\) be a Beta-distributed random variable representing the posterior distribution over \(p\) for the first condition and \(\textbf{Y}\) is the same for the second condition. Finally, let \(f(x)\) be the probability density of the difference \(x\) in \(\textbf{X}\) and \(\textbf{Y}\). Then the MAP-based p-value, \(p_{\text{MAP}}\), is the posterior odds of the effect size being zero (no difference) versus the maxumum a posteriori (MAP) outcome:

\[ p_{\text{MAP}} = \frac{f(0.0)}{f(x_{\text{MAP}})} \ \] \[ f(x) = PDF_{\textbf{Z}}(x) \ \] \[ \textbf{Z} = \textbf{X} - \textbf{Y} \ \] \[ \textbf{X} \sim \text{Beta}(\alpha_1, \beta_1) \ \] \[ \textbf{Y} \sim \text{Beta}(\alpha_2, \beta_2) \ \]

This metric was proposed by Makowski et al. and can be easily visualized. Consider an example with a true effect size of 0.8 at two coverages, 5 reads and 10 reads. For an effect size of 0.8, the \(p\) for the low modification condition and the high modification condition is 0.1 and 0.9, respectively. This corresponds to 4 of 5 reads being called methylated in the low-coverage case, and 9 of 10 reads being called modified in the high-coverage condition. The reciprocal counts are used in both conditions, so 1 of 5 for the low-coverage and 1 of 10 for the high-coverage.

  • Low coverage = 5: 4 of 5 modified versus 1 of 5 modified
  • High coverage = 10: 9 of 10 modified versus 1 of 10 modified

Starting with a prior of \(\text{Beta}(0.5, 0.5)\), we can calculate the posterior density for the two conditions: posterior_distributions

What we need to calculate is the probability distribution of the difference (the effect size) between the two conditions (high-modification and low-modification). This can be done using a piecewise solution described by Pham-Gia, Turkkan, and Eng in 1993, shown below:


The MAP-based p-value is the ratio of the circles over the triangles. The implementation in modkit takes a small short-cut however, and uses the empirical effect size \(d = \hat{p}_1 - \hat{p}_2\) instead of the maximum a posteriori outcome.

\[ \text{p-MAP}^{\prime} = \frac{f(0.0)}{f(d)} \ \]

\[ d = \hat{p}_1 - \hat{p}_2 \ \]

\[ \hat{p} = \frac{ N_{\text{mod}} }{ N_{\text{canonical}} } \ \]

Removing modification calls from BAMs.

There may be multiple possible base modifications to a specific canonical base. For example, cytosine has at least four known modified variants. As technologies are increasingly able to detect these chemical moieties, not all downstream tools may be capable of accepting them, or you may want to convert your data to make it comparable to other data with less specific resolution. To address this issue, modkit implements a method for removing one or more DNA base modification call from a BAM as well as a command line flag to simply combine all modification calls when performing a pileup to generate a bedMethyl file.

Removing DNA base modification probabilities.

BAM records containing probabilities for multiple base modifications at each residue can be transformed to ignore one (or more) of the predicted base modifications. For example, if a BAM file contains 5hmC and 5mC probabilities, the total probability is necessarily distributed over 5mC, \(p_m\), 5hmC, \(p_h\), and canonical C, \(p_{C}\). modkit implements a method, described below, for reducing the dimensionality of the probability distribution by one or more of the predicted base modification classes.

Take for example a 3-way modification call for C, 5mC, and 5hmC, the probabilities of each being \(p_{C}\), \(p_{m}\), \(p_{h}\), respectively. To remove the 5hmC probability, \(p_{h}\) is distributed evenly across the other two options. In this example, the updates are \( p_C \leftarrow p_C + (\frac{p_h}{2}) \) and \( p_m \leftarrow p_m + (\frac{p_h}{2}) \).

Combining multiple base modifications into a single count.

Combine: --combine

In modkit the combine method can be used to produce binary modified/unmodified counts. Continuing with the above example, the counts for number of modified reads, N_mod, becomes the number of reads with 5hmC calls plus the number of reads with 5mC calls. N_other_mod will always be 0. The raw_mod_code will be reported as the ambiguous mod code for the canonical base. See for details on base modification codes and schema.yaml in this project for details on the notation for counts.