Perform differential methylation scoring

The modkit dmr command contains two subcommands, pair and multi, that will compare pairwise conditions and multiple conditions. The pair command can be used to perform differential methylation detection on single genome positions (for example CpGs) or regions provided as a BED file. On the other hand, multi can only be used to compare regions (such as CpG islands), provided as a BED file. There are essentially three differential methylation workflows:

  1. Perform differential methylation scoring with a pair of samples on regions of the genome.
  2. Perform differential methylation scoring across all pairs of samples on regions of the genome.
  3. Perform base-level differential modification detection for a pair of conditions.

Each application is explained below. For details on the scoping of these applications see the limitations.

Preparing the input data

The inputs to all modkit dmr commands are two or more bedMethyl files (created by modkit pileup) that have been compressed with bgzip and indexed with tabix. An example of how to generate the input data is shown below:



modkit pileup ${norm} ${norm_pileup} \
  --cpg \
  --ref ${ref} \
  --threads ${threads} \
  --log-filepath log.txt

bgzip -k ${norm_pileup}
tabix -p bed ${norm_pileup}.gz

# pileup and compression can also be done in one step

modkit pileup ${tumor} - \
  --cpg \
  --ref ${ref} \
  --threads ${threads} \
  --log-filepath log.txt | ${bgzip} -c > ${tumor_pileup}

tabix -p bed ${tumor_pileup}

1. Perform differential methylation scoring of genomic regions for a pair of samples.

Once you have the two samples to be compared in the appropriate format, the final piece necessary is a BED file of the regions to be compared. Currently, the modkit dmr functionality does not "segment" or otherwise discover regions, however this limitation will be removed in a future release. To continue with our example we can get CpG Islands from the UCSC table browser. The data may not always be appropriate input for modkit. For example, the CpG Islands track has extra columns and a header line:

#bin  chrom  chromStart  chromEnd  name          length  cpgNum  gcNum  perCpg  perGc  obsExp
660   chr20  9838623     9839213   CpG:  47      590     47     383     15.9   64.9    0.76
661   chr20  10034962    10035266  CpG:  35      304     35     228     23     75      0.85

Therefore, we need to transform the data with awk or similar, such as:

awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t"; OFS="\t"} NR>1 {print $2, $3, $4, $5}' cpg_islands_ucsc.bed \
  | bedtools sort -i - >  cpg_islands_ucsc_cleaned.bed

Keeping the name column is optional. Sorting the regions isn't strictly necessary, the output will be in the same order as the regions file. Below is an example command to produce the scored output. The --base option tells modkit dmr which bases to use for scoring the differences, the argument should be a canonical nucleotide (A, C, G, or T) whichever primary sequence base has the modifications you're interested in capturing. For example, for CpG islands the base we're interested in is C.


modkit dmr pair \
  -a ${norm_pileup}.gz \
  --index-a ${norm_pileup}.gz.tbi \ # optional
  -b ${tumor_pileup}.gz \
  --index-b ${tumor_pileup}.gz.tbi \ # optional
  -o ${dmr_result} \ # output to stdout if not present
  -r ${regions} \
  --ref ${ref} \
  --base C \  # may be repeated if multiple modifications are being used
  --threads ${threads} \
  --log-filepath dmr.log

The ouput of this command will be similar to

chr20  9838623   9839213   CpG:  47   257.34514203447543    C:57   1777  C:601  2091   C:3.21  C:28.74  0.032076534   0.2874223
chr20  10034962  10035266  CpG:  35   1.294227443419004     C:7    1513  C:14   1349   C:0.46  C:1.04   0.00462657    0.010378058

The full schema is described below.

2. Perform differential methylation detection on all pairs of samples over regions from the genome.

The modkit dmr multi command runs all pairwise comparisons for more than two samples for all regions provided in the regions BED file. The preparation of the data is identical to that for the previous section (for each sample, of course). An example command could be:

modkit dmr multi \
  -s ${norm_pileup_1}.gz norm1 \
  -s ${tumor_pileup_1}.gz tumor1 \
  -s ${norm_pileup_2}.gz norm2 \
  -s ${tumor_pileup_2}.gz tumor2 \
  -o ${dmr_dir} \ # required for multi
  -r ${cpg_islands} \ # skip this option to perform base-level DMR
  --ref ${ref} \
  --base C \
  -t 10 \
  -f \
  --log-filepath dmr_multi.log

For example the samples could be haplotype-partitioned bedMethyl tables or biological replicates. Unlike for modkit dmr pair a sample name (e.g. norm1 and tumor1 above) must be provided for each input sample. You can also use --index <filepath> <sample_name> to specify where the tabix index file is for each sample.

3. Detecting differential modification at single base positions

The modkit dmr pair command has the ability to score individual bases (e.g. differentially methylated CpGs). To run single-base analysis on one or more paired samples, simply omit the --regions (-r) option when running modkit dmr pair. When performing single-base analysis the likelihood ratio score and a MAP-based p-value are available. For details on the likelihood ratio score and the MAP-based p-value, see the scoring details section. For example the above command becomes:


modkit dmr pair \
  -a ${hp1_pileup}.gz \
  -b ${hp2_pileup}.gz \
  -o ${dmr_result} \
  --ref ${ref} \
  --base C \
  --threads ${threads} \
  --log-filepath dmr.log

Multiple replicates can be provided as well by repeating the -a and -b options, such as:


modkit dmr pair \
  -a ${norm_pileup_1}.gz \
  -a ${norm_pileup_2}.gz \
  -b ${tumor_pileup_1}.gz \
  -b ${tumor_pileup_2}.gz \
  -o ${dmr_result_replicates} \
  --ref ${ref} \
  --base C \
  --threads ${threads} \
  --log-filepath dmr.log

Keep in mind that the MAP-based p-value provided in single-site analysis is based on a "modified" vs "unmodified" model, see the scoring section and limitations for additional details.

Differential methylation output format

The output from modkit dmr pair (and for each pairwise comparison with modkit dmr multi) is (roughly) a BED file with the following schema:

1chromname of reference sequence from bedMethyl input samplesstr
2start position0-based start position, from --regions argumentint
3end position0-based exclusive end position, from --regions argumentint
4namename column from --regions BED, or chr:start-stop if absentstr
5scoreDifference score, more positive values have increased differencefloat
6samplea countsCounts of each base modification in the region, comma-separated, for sample Astr
7samplea totalTotal number of base modification calls in the region, including unmodified, for sample Astr
8sampleb countsCounts of each base modification in the region, comma-separated, for sample Bstr
9sampleb totalTotal number of base modification calls in the region, including unmodified, for sample Bstr
10samplea fractionsFraction of calls for each base modification in the region, comma-separated, for sample Astr
11sampleb fractionsFraction of calls for each base modification in the region, comma-separated, for sample Bstr
12samplea percent modifiedpercent modification (of any kind) in sample Afloat
13sampleb percent modifiedpercent modification (of any kind) in sample Bfloat

an example of the output is given below:

chr20  9838623   9839213   CpG:  47   257.34514203447543    C:57   1777  C:601  2091   C:3.21  C:28.74  0.032076534   0.2874223
chr20  10034962  10035266  CpG:  35   1.294227443419004     C:7    1513  C:14   1349   C:0.46  C:1.04   0.00462657    0.010378058
chr20  10172120  10172545  CpG:  35   5.013026381110649     C:43   1228  C:70   1088   C:3.50  C:6.43   0.035016287   0.06433824
chr20  10217487  10218336  CpG:  59   173.7819873154349     C:136  2337  C:482  1838   C:5.82  C:26.22  0.058194265   0.26224157
chr20  10433628  10434345  CpG:  71   -0.13968153023233754  C:31   2748  C:36   3733   C:1.13  C:0.96   0.0112809315  0.009643719
chr20  10671925  10674963  CpG:  255  6.355823977093678     C:67   9459  C:153  12862  C:0.71  C:1.19   0.0070832013  0.011895506

When performing single-site analysis, the following additional columns are added:

14MAP-based p-valueRatio of the posterior probability of observing the effect size over zero effect sizefloat
15effect sizePercent modified in sample A (col 12) minus percent modified in sample B (col 13)float
16balanced MAP-based p-valueMAP-based p-value when all replicates are balancedfloat
17balanced effect sizeeffect size when all replicates are balancedfloat
18pct_a_samplespercent of 'a' samples used in statistical testfloat
19pct_b_samplespercent of 'b' samples used in statistical testfloat
20per-replicate p-valuesMAP-based p-values for matched replicate pairsfloat
21per-replicate effect sizeseffect sizes matched replicate pairsfloat

Columns 16-19 are only produced when multiple samples are provided, columns 20 and 21 are only produced when there is an equal number of 'a' and 'b' samples. When using multiple samples, it is possible that not every sample will have a modification fraction at a position. When this happens, the statistical test is still performed and the values of pct_a_samples and pct_b_samples reflect the percent of samples from each condition used in the test.

Columns 20 and 21 have the replicate pairwise MAP-based p-values and effect sizes which are calculated based on their order provided on the command line. For example in the abbreviated command below:

modkit dmr pair \
  -a ${norm_pileup_1}.gz \
  -a ${norm_pileup_2}.gz \
  -b ${tumor_pileup_1}.gz \
  -b ${tumor_pileup_2}.gz \

Column 20 will contain the MAP-based p-value comparing norm_pileup_1 versus tumor_pileup_1 and norm_pileup_2 versus norm_pileup_2. Column 21 will contain the effect sizes, values are comma-separated. If you have a different number of samples for each condition, such as:

modkit dmr pair \
  -a ${norm_pileup_1}.gz \
  -a ${norm_pileup_2}.gz \
  -a ${norm_pileup_3}.gz \
  -b ${tumor_pileup_1}.gz \
  -b ${tumor_pileup_2}.gz \

these columns will not be present.