Pore-C ToolsΒΆ

A command-line toolkit to work with Pore-C data

This package is designed to analyse the data from multi-contact pore-C reads. It is similar to the pairtools package in scope, however it is specifically designed to handle multi-contact reads (aka c-walks). It carries out the following operations:

  • pre-processing a reference genome to generate auxiliary files used in downstream analyses

  • creating virtual digests of the reference genome

  • processing BAM files to filter spurious alignments, detect ligation junctions and assign fragments

  • converting the resulting contacts to a pairs format and a COO-formatted matrix compatible with Cooler for downstream processing.

The recommended way to run Pore-C tools is through the associated Pore-C-Snakemake pipeline. It wraps the pore-C commands and also handles some of the analysis steps outside the scope of pore-C tools such as read alignment and conversion of output files to .cool format. If you want to run the tools outside of this pipeline please see the section below on