Pomoxis Programs ================ Below you will find a listing with brief description of all the tools within pomoxis. For more information concerning each tool simply run it on the command line with the ``--help`` option. More complex workflows (using tools from pomoxis) can be found within the `katuali `_ software package. assess_assembly *************** Calculate accuracy statistics for an assembly. .. code-block:: bash assess_assembly [-h] -r -i assess_homopolymers ******************* Analyse homopolymer query and reference lengths. .. code-block:: bash homopolymer [-h] {count,analyse} ... catalogue_errors **************** Create a catalogue of all query errors in a bam. .. code-block:: bash catalogue_errors [-h] [--bed BED] [-t THREADS] [-o OUTDIR] bam common_errors_from_bam ********************** Get errors common to multiple assemblies aligned to ref. .. code-block:: bash common_errors_from_bam [-h] [-o OUTPUT_PREFIX] bam ref_fasta coverage_from_bam ***************** Calculate read coverage depth from a bam. .. code-block:: bash coverage_from_bam [-h] [-r REGIONS [REGIONS ...]] [-p PREFIX | -o ONE_FILE] [-s STRIDE] [--summary_only] bam coverage_from_fastx ******************* Estimate coverage from summed basecall and reference lengths .. code-block:: bash coverage_from_fastx [-h] [--coverage COVERAGE] [--longest] basecalls ref_len fast_convert ************ Convert between fasta<->fastq. .. code-block:: bash fast_convert [-h] [--discard_q] [--mock_q MOCK_Q] {qq,aa,aq,qa} find_indels *********** Parse a bamfile and document indels. .. code-block:: bash find_indels [-h] [-m MIN_INDEL_LENGTH] [-a] [-o OUTPUT] [-b BED] [-t THREADS] bam intersect_assembly_errors ************************* Assess errors which occur in the same reference position accross multiple assemblies. .. code-block:: bash intersect_assembly_errors [-h] -r -i long_fastx ********** Extract longest reads from a fastq. .. code-block:: bash long_fastx [-h] (--longest LONGEST | --bases BASES) [--others OTHERS] input output mini_align ********** Align fastq/a formatted reads to a genome using minimap2. .. code-block:: bash mini_align [-h] -r -i mini_assemble ************* Assemble fastq/fasta formatted reads and perform POA consensus. .. code-block:: bash mini_assemble [-h] -i pomoxis_path ************ Print the path of bundled executables. .. code-block:: bash pomoxis_path [-h] program qscores_from_summary ******************** Extract Q scores from summary_from_stats output .. code-block:: bash qscores_from_summary [-h] [--median] [--ref REF] summaries [summaries ...] ref_seqs_from_bam ***************** Extract reference sequence that queries are aligned to .. code-block:: bash ref_seqs_from_bam [-h] bam reverse_bed *********** Convert bed-file coordinates to coordinates on the reverse strand. .. code-block:: bash reverse_bed [-h] bed_in ref_fasta bed_out split_fastx *********** Split records in a fasta/q file into chunks of a maximum size. .. code-block:: bash split_fastx [-h] input output chunksize stats_from_bam ************** Parse a bamfile (from a stream) and output summary stats for each read. .. code-block:: bash stats_from_bam [-h] [--bed BED] [-m MIN_LENGTH] [-a] [-o OUTPUT] [-s SUMMARY] [-t THREADS] bam subsample_bam ************* Subsample a bam to uniform or proportional depth .. code-block:: bash subsample_bam [-h] [-o OUTPUT_PREFIX] [-r REGIONS [REGIONS ...]] [-p PROFILE] [-O {fwd,rev}] [-t THREADS] [-q QUALITY] [-a ACCURACY] [-c COVERAGE] [-l LENGTH] [--any_fail | --all_fail] [-x PATIENCE] [-s STRIDE] [-P] [-S SEED] bam depth [depth ...] summary_from_stats ****************** Summarise output of `stats_from_bam`. .. code-block:: bash summary_from_stats [-h] [-i INPUT] [-o OUTPUT] [-p PERCENTILES [PERCENTILES ...]] [-pr] tag_bam ******* Add a tag to all alignments in a bam. .. code-block:: bash tag_bam [-h] input output tag_name tag_value trim_alignments *************** Trim alignments in multiple bams to common overlap window. .. code-block:: bash trim_alignments [-h] [-r REF_NAME] [-o OUTPUT_PREFIX] [-f REFERENCE_FASTA] bams [bams ...]