Source code for fast5_research.extract

import argparse
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, as_completed
import collections
import functools
from itertools import tee
import logging
import os
from timeit import default_timer as now
from uuid import uuid4

import h5py
import numpy as np

import pysam
import gzip

from fast5_research.fast5 import Fast5, iterate_fast5
from fast5_research.fast5_bulk import BulkFast5
from fast5_research.util import _sanitize_data_for_writing, readtsv, group_vector

[docs]def triplewise(iterable): a, b, c = tee(iterable, 3) next(b) next(c) next(c) yield from zip(a, b, c)
[docs]def extract_read_summary(): logging.basicConfig( format='[%(asctime)s - %(name)s] %(message)s', datefmt='%H:%M:%S', level=logging.INFO ) logger = logging.getLogger('Summarize Reads') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Summarize reads stored in a Bulk .fast5') parser.add_argument('input', help='Bulk .fast5 file for input.') parser.add_argument('output', help='Output text file.') parser.add_argument('--channel_range', nargs=2, type=int, default=None, help='Channel range (inclusive).') args = parser.parse_args() if args.channel_range is None: with BulkFast5(args.input) as src: channels = src.channels else: channels = range(args.channel_range[0], args.channel_range[1] + 1) with BulkFast5(args.input) as src, open(args.output, 'w') as out_fh: extract_read_summary_internal(src, channels, out_fh, logger)
[docs]def extract_read_summary_internal(src, channels, out_fh, logger): fields = [ 'run', 'channel', 'mux', 'read_id', 'classification', 'start_time', 'duration', 'time_since_strand', 'start_event', 'end_event', 'num_events', 'median_current', 'median_current_before', 'median_current_after', 'drift', 'median_sd', 'range_current', 'median_dwell' ] out_fh.write('\t'.join(fields)) out_fh.write('\n') sample_rate = src.sample_rate run_id = src.get_tracking_meta()['run_id'] for chan in channels:"Processing channel {}".format(chan)) count = 0 reads = src.get_reads(chan) last_strand = 0 # this drops the first and last read for before, data, after in triplewise(reads): data['run'] = run_id data['channel'] = chan data['mux'] = src.get_mux(chan, raw_index=data['read_start'] + data['read_length'] // 2) data['median_current'] = data['median'] data['median_current_before'] = before['median'] data['median_current_after'] = after['median'] data['num_events'] = data['event_index_end'] - data['event_index_start'] data['start_time'] = float(data['read_start']) / sample_rate data['duration'] = float(data['read_length']) / sample_rate data['start_event'] = data['event_index_start'] data['end_event'] = data['event_index_end'] data['range_current'] = data['range'] data['median_dwell'] /= sample_rate data['time_since_strand'] = data['start_time'] - last_strand out_fh.write('\t'.join(str(data[f]) for f in fields)) out_fh.write('\n') if data['classification'] == 'strand': last_strand = data['start_time'] + data['duration'] count += 1"{} reads in channel {}".format(count, chan))
[docs]def extract_reads(): logging.basicConfig( format='[%(asctime)s - %(name)s] %(message)s', datefmt='%H:%M:%S', level=logging.INFO ) logger = logging.getLogger('Extract Reads') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Bulk .fast5 to read .fast5 conversion.') parser.add_argument('input', help='Bulk .fast5 file for input.') parser.add_argument('output', help='Output folder.') out_format = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() out_format.add_argument('--multi', action='store_true', help='Output multi-read files.') out_format.add_argument('--single', action='store_false', dest='multi', help='Output single-read files.') parser.add_argument('--flat', default=False, action='store_true', help='Create all .fast5 files in one directory') parser.add_argument('--by_id', default=False, action='store_true', help='Name single-read .fast5 files by read_id.') parser.add_argument('--prefix', default="", help='Read file prefix.') parser.add_argument('--channel_range', nargs=2, type=int, default=None, help='Channel range (inclusive).') parser.add_argument('--summary', help='Strand summary file containing at least columns channel, start_time and duration).') parser.add_argument('--workers', type=int, default=4, help='Number of worker processes.') parser.add_argument('--limit', type=int, default=None, help='Limit reads per channel.') args = parser.parse_args() if not os.path.exists(args.output): os.makedirs(args.output) else: raise IOError('The output directory must not exist.') if args.summary is not None: if not os.path.isfile(args.summary): raise IOError('The summary file does not exist.') else: # load summary args.summary = np.genfromtxt(args.summary, delimiter='\t', encoding=None, dtype=None, names=True) worker = functools.partial( extract_channel_reads, args.input, args.output, args.prefix, args.flat, args.by_id, args.limit, args.multi ) if args.channel_range is None: with BulkFast5(args.input) as src: channels = src.channels else: channels = range(args.channel_range[0], args.channel_range[1] + 1) if args.summary is not None: # only process channels in the summary summ_channels = set(args.summary['channel']) channels = [ch for ch in channels if ch in summ_channels] summary_by_ch = {ch: args.summary[np.where(args.summary['channel'] == ch)] for ch in channels} else: summary_by_ch = collections.defaultdict(lambda: None) if args.workers > 1: with ProcessPoolExecutor(args.workers) as executor: futures = [executor.submit(worker, c, summary=summary_by_ch[c]) for c in channels] for future in as_completed(futures): try: n_reads, channel = future.result() except Exception as e: logger.warning("Error processing channel.") print(e) else:"Extracted {} reads from channel {}.".format(n_reads, channel)) else: for channel in channels: worker(channel, summary=summary_by_ch[channel])"Finished.")
[docs]def time_cast(time, sample_rate): """ Convert a float time to sample index, or return time unmodified """ if isinstance(time, float): return int(time * sample_rate) else: return time
[docs]def extract_channel_reads(source, output, prefix, flat, by_id, max_files, multi, channel, summary=None): if flat: out_path = output # give multi files a channel prefix else they will # conflict between channels. Singles already get # a "ch" component in their name if multi: extra = 'ch{}'.format(channel) if prefix == '': prefix = extra else: prefix = '{}_{}'.format(prefix, extra) else: out_path = os.path.join(output, str(channel)) os.makedirs(out_path) with BulkFast5(source) as src: meta = src.get_metadata(channel) tracking_id = src.get_tracking_meta() context_tags = src.get_context_meta() channel_id = { 'channel_number': channel, 'range': meta['range'], 'digitisation': meta['digitisation'], 'offset': meta['offset'], 'sampling_rate': meta['sample_rate'] } Writer = MultiWriter if multi else SingleWriter with Writer(out_path, by_id, prefix=prefix) as writer: median_before = None counter = 1 raw_data = src.get_raw(channel, use_scaling=False) if summary is not None: # convert array into stream of dicts reads = ({k: row[k] for k in row.dtype.names} for row in summary) class_field = 'class' start_field = 'start_time' duration_field = 'duration' # if start_time is a float (seconds) we need to convert to # samples time_cols = ['start_time', 'duration'] else: reads = src.get_reads(channel) class_field = 'classification' start_field = 'read_start' duration_field = 'read_length' for read_number, read in enumerate(reads): if summary is not None: if 'median_current_before' in read: median_before = read['median_current_before'] else: median_before = 0.0 elif median_before is None: median_before = read['median'] continue if summary is None and read[class_field] != 'strand': median_before = read['median'] else: counter += 1 start = time_cast(read[start_field], meta['sample_rate']) length = time_cast(read[duration_field], meta['sample_rate']) read_id = { 'start_time': start, 'duration': length, 'read_number': read_number, 'start_mux': src.get_mux(channel, raw_index=start, wells_only=True), 'read_id': str(read['read_id']) if 'read_id' in read else str(uuid4()), 'scaling_used': 1, 'median_before': median_before } raw_slice = raw_data[start:start+length] read = Read(read_id, read_number, tracking_id, channel_id, context_tags, raw_slice) writer.write_read(read) if counter == max_files: break return counter, channel
[docs]def build_read_index(): logging.basicConfig( format='[%(asctime)s - %(name)s] %(message)s', datefmt='%H:%M:%S', level=logging.INFO ) logger = logging.getLogger('Index Reads') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Build index of reads within .fast5s. Output to stdout.') parser.add_argument('input', help='.fast5 directory') parser.add_argument('--recursive', action='store_true', help='Search recursively under `input` for source files.') parser.add_argument('--workers', type=int, default=8, help='Number of worker processes.') args = parser.parse_args() src_files = list(iterate_fast5(args.input, paths=True, recursive=args.recursive))"Found {} files.".format(len(src_files))) with ProcessPoolExecutor(args.workers) as executor: n_reads = 0 for i, (src, read_ids) in enumerate( zip(src_files,, src_files, chunksize=10))): n_reads += len(read_ids) for read in read_ids: print('\t'.join((read, os.path.abspath(src)))) if i % 10 == 0:"Indexed {}/{} files. {} reads".format(i, len(src_files), n_reads))
[docs]def filter_file_from_bam(): logging.basicConfig( format='[%(asctime)s - %(name)s] %(message)s', datefmt='%H:%M:%S', level=logging.INFO ) logger = logging.getLogger('Filter') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Create filter file from BAM and sequencing summary') parser.add_argument('--seperator', dest="SEP", default='\t', help="Seperator in sequencing summary files") parser.add_argument('--id-col', dest="READID_COL", default='read_id', help="Column name for read_id in sequencing summary files") parser.add_argument('--fname-col', dest="FNAME_COL", default='filename', help="Column name for fast5 filename in sequencing summary files") parser.add_argument('-r', '--region', dest="REGION", default=None, help="Print reads only from this region") parser.add_argument('--workers', type=int, default=4, help='Number of worker processes.') parser.add_argument('-p', '--primary-only', dest="PRIMARY", action='store_true', help="Ignore secondary and supplementary alignments") parser.add_argument('BAM', help='Path to BAM file') parser.add_argument("SUMMARY", type=str, nargs='+', help="Sequencing summary files") args = parser.parse_args() region = args.REGION primary_only = args.PRIMARY bam_in = args.BAM summary_files = args.SUMMARY threads = args.workers readid_col = args.READID_COL fast5_col = args.FNAME_COL sep = args.SEP if not region:"No region specified. Extracting all reads from BAM file") else:"Extracting read ids from {}".format(region)) read_ids = {} with pysam.AlignmentFile(bam_in, "rb", threads=threads) as infile: for read in infile.fetch(region=region): if read.is_unmapped or (primary_only and (read.is_secondary or read.is_supplementary)): continue read_ids[read.query_name] = None n = len(read_ids)"Reads found in BAM file: {}".format(n)) if n == 0: return # Print header print("read_id", "filename", sep='\t') n_print = 0 for summary_file in summary_files:"Opening: {}".format(summary_file)) with as fh: header = fh.readline().decode().strip() header_cols = header.split(sep) readid_idx = header_cols.index(readid_col) path_idx = header_cols.index(fast5_col) for line in fh: line = line.decode().strip() if not line: continue cols = line.split(sep) readid = cols[readid_idx] f5_path = cols[path_idx] if readid not in read_ids: continue if read_ids[readid]: logging.error("Two entries found for {} ({} and {})".format(readid, read_ids[readid], f5_path)) continue n_print += 1 read_ids[readid] = f5_path print(readid, read_ids[readid], sep='\t')"Filename found for {} reads ({}%)".format(n_print, round(n_print * 100.0 / n)))
[docs]def filter_multi_reads(): logging.basicConfig( format='[%(asctime)s - %(name)s] %(message)s', datefmt='%H:%M:%S', level=logging.INFO ) logger = logging.getLogger('Filter') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Extract reads from multi-read .fast5 files.') parser.add_argument('input', help='Path to input multi-read .fast5 files (or list of files).') parser.add_argument('output', help='Output folder.') parser.add_argument('filter', help='A .tsv file with column `read_id` defining required reads. ' 'If a `filename` column is present, this will be used as the ' 'location of the read.') parser.add_argument('--tsv_field', default='read_id', help='Field name from `filter` file to obtain read IDs.') parser.add_argument('--prefix', default="", help='Read file prefix.') parser.add_argument('--recursive', action='store_true', help='Search recursively under `input` for source files.') parser.add_argument('--workers', type=int, default=4, help='Number of worker processes.') out_format = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() out_format.add_argument('--multi', action='store_true', default=True, help='Output multi-read files.') out_format.add_argument('--single', action='store_false', dest='multi', help='Output single-read files.') #parser.add_argument('--limit', type=int, default=None, help='Limit reads per channel.') args = parser.parse_args() if not args.multi: raise NotImplementedError('Extraction of reads to single read files is on the TODO list.') if not os.path.exists(args.output): os.makedirs(args.output) else: raise IOError('The output directory must not exist.') # grab list of source files"Searching for input files.") try: src_files = list(set(readtsv(args.input)['filename'])) except Exception as e:'Failed to read `input` as filelist, assuming path to search. {}'.format(e)) src_files = list(iterate_fast5(args.input, paths=True, recursive=args.recursive)) n_files = len(src_files)"Found {} source files.".format(n_files))"Reading filter file.") read_table = readtsv(args.filter, fields=[args.tsv_field])"Found {} reads in filter.".format(len(read_table))) try: # try to build index from the filter file with 'filename' column if 'filename' not in read_table.dtype.names: raise ValueError("'filename' column not present in filter.")"Attempting to build read index from input filter.") src_path_files = { os.path.basename(x):x for x in src_files } if len(src_path_files) != len(src_files): raise ValueError('Found non-uniquely named source files') read_index = dict() for fname, indices in group_vector(read_table['filename']).items(): fpath = src_path_files[os.path.basename(fname)] read_index[fpath] = read_table[args.tsv_field][indices]"Successfully build read index from input filter.") except Exception as e:"Failed to build read index from summary: {}".format(e)) read_index = None required_reads = set(read_table[args.tsv_field])"Finding reads within {} source files.".format(n_files)) index_worker = functools.partial(reads_in_multi, filt=required_reads) read_index = dict() n_reads = 0 with ProcessPoolExecutor(args.workers) as executor: i = 0 for src_file, read_ids in zip(src_files,, src_files, chunksize=10)): i += 1 n_reads += len(read_ids) read_index[src_file] = read_ids if i % 10 == 0:"Indexed {}/{} files. {}/{} reads".format(i, n_files, n_reads, len(required_reads))) n_reads = sum(len(x) for x in read_index.values()) # We don't go via creating Read objects, copying the data verbatim # likely quicker and nothing should need the verification that the APIs # provide (garbage in, garbage out)."Extracting {} reads.".format(n_reads)) if args.prefix != '': args.prefix = '{}_'.format(args.prefix) with ProcessPoolExecutor(args.workers) as executor: reads_per_process = np.ceil(n_reads / args.workers) proc_n_reads = 0 proc_reads = dict() job = 0 futures = list() for src in read_index.keys(): proc_reads[src] = read_index[src] proc_n_reads += len(proc_reads[src]) if proc_n_reads > reads_per_process: proc_prefix = "{}{}_".format(args.prefix, job) futures.append(executor.submit(_subset_reads_to_file, proc_reads, args.output, proc_prefix, worker_id=job)) job += 1 proc_n_reads = 0 proc_reads = dict() if proc_n_reads > 0: # processing remaining reads proc_prefix = "{}{}_".format(args.prefix, job) futures.append(executor.submit(_subset_reads_to_file, proc_reads, args.output, proc_prefix, worker_id=job)) for fut in as_completed(futures): try: reads_written, prefix = fut.result()"Written {} reads to {}.".format(reads_written, prefix)) except Exception as e: logger.warning("Error: {}".format(e))"Done.")
def _subset_reads_to_file(read_index, output, prefix, worker_id=0): logger = logging.getLogger('Worker-{}'.format(worker_id)) n_reads = sum(len(x) for x in read_index.values()) reads_written = 0 t0 = now() with MultiWriter(output, None, prefix=prefix) as writer: for src_file, read_ids in read_index.items(): reads_written += len(read_ids) t1 = now() if t1 - t0 > 30: # log update every 30 seconds"Written {}/{} reads ({:.0f}% done)".format( reads_written, n_reads, 100 * reads_written / n_reads )) t0 = t1 with h5py.File(src_file, 'r') as src_fh: for read_id in read_ids: try: read_grp = src_fh["read_{}".format(read_id)] except: logger.warning("Did not find {} in {}.".format(read_id, src_fh.filename)) else: writer.write_read(read_grp) return reads_written, prefix
[docs]def reads_in_multi(src, filt=None): """Get list of read IDs contained within a multi-read file. :param src: source file. :param filt: perform filtering by given set. :returns: set of read UUIDs (as string and recorded in hdf group name). """ logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(src))[0]) logger.debug("Finding reads.") prefix = 'read_' with h5py.File(src, 'r') as fh: read_ids = set(grp[len(prefix):] for grp in fh if grp.startswith(prefix)) logger.debug("Found {} reads.".format(len(read_ids))) if filt is not None: read_ids = read_ids.intersection(filt) logger.debug("Filtered to {} reads.".format(len(read_ids))) return read_ids
[docs]class Read(object): # Just a sketch to help interchange of format def __init__(self, read_id, read_number, tracking_id, channel_id, context_tags, raw): self.read_id = read_id self.read_number = read_number self.tracking_id = tracking_id self.channel_id = channel_id self.context_tags = context_tags self.raw = raw # ensure typing and required fields self.channel_id = Fast5.convert_channel_id(self.channel_id) self.tracking_id = Fast5.convert_tracking_id(self.tracking_id)
[docs]class ReadWriter(object): def __init__(self, out_path, by_id, prefix=""): self.out_path = out_path self.by_id = by_id if prefix != "": prefix = "{}_".format(prefix) self.prefix = prefix
[docs] def write_read(self): raise NotImplementedError()
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): pass
[docs]class SingleWriter(ReadWriter):
[docs] def write_read(self, read): if self.by_id: filename = '{}.fast5'.format(read.read_id['read_id']) else: filename = '{}read_ch{}_file{}.fast5'.format( self.prefix, read.channel_id['channel_number'], read.read_number ) filename = os.path.join(self.out_path, filename) with Fast5.New(filename, 'a', tracking_id=read.tracking_id, context_tags=read.context_tags, channel_id=read.channel_id) as h: h.set_raw(read.raw, meta=read.read_id, read_number=read.read_number)
[docs]class MultiWriter(ReadWriter): def __init__(self, out_path, by_id, prefix="", reads_per_file=4000): super(MultiWriter, self).__init__(out_path, by_id, prefix=prefix) self.reads_per_file = reads_per_file self.current_reads = 0 # reads in open file, used to signal new file condition self.file_counter = 0 self.current_file = None self.closed = False def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): self.close()
[docs] def close(self): if isinstance(self.current_file, h5py.File): self.current_file.close()
[docs] def write_read(self, read): """Write a read. :param read: either a `Read` object or an hdf group handle from a source multi-read file. """ if self.closed: raise RuntimeError('Cannot write after closed.') if self.current_reads == 0: # start a new file self.close() filename = '{}mreads_file{}.fast5'.format( self.prefix, self.file_counter ) filename = os.path.join(self.out_path, filename) self.current_file = h5py.File(filename, 'w') self.current_file.attrs[_sanitize_data_for_writing('file_version')] = _sanitize_data_for_writing("2.0") self.file_counter += 1 # write data if isinstance(read, Read): self._write_read(read) elif isinstance(read, h5py.Group): self._copy_read_group(read) else: raise TypeError("Cannot write type {} to output file.") self.current_reads += 1 # update if self.current_reads == self.reads_per_file: self.current_reads = 0
def _write_read(self, read): if read.raw.dtype != np.int16: raise TypeError('Raw data must be of type int16.') read_group = '/read_{}'.format(read.read_id['read_id']) Fast5._add_attrs_to_fh(self.current_file, {'run_id': read.tracking_id['run_id']}, read_group, convert=str) # add all attributes for grp_name in ('tracking_id', 'context_tags'): # spec has all of these as str data = getattr(read, grp_name) Fast5._add_attrs_to_fh(self.current_file, data, '{}/{}'.format(read_group, grp_name), convert=str) Fast5._add_attrs_to_fh(self.current_file, read.channel_id, '{}/channel_id'.format(read_group)) # add the data (and some more attrs) data_path = '{}/Raw'.format(read_group) read_id = Fast5._convert_meta_times(read.read_id, read.channel_id['sampling_rate']) read_id = Fast5.convert_raw_meta(read_id) Fast5._add_attrs_to_fh(self.current_file, read_id, data_path) signal_path = '{}/Signal'.format(data_path) self.current_file.create_dataset( signal_path, data=read.raw, compression='gzip', shuffle=True, dtype='i2') def _copy_read_group(self, read): self.current_file.copy(read,